Chapter 6

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"So what's on today's agenda Ma'am?" I tiredly rolled my eyes as I stared at the ceiling.

"Today we'll be recruiting some special kids. I trust you guys won't accidentally shoot someone. Get ready", I commanded as I watched all my members put on their mask and hide their weapons under their coats.

I didn't have to do anything because I was already wearing mine. Once we were dropped off at the location, I turned to the driver.

"FBI and police will be coming after we're done, ready to crush into rushing hours once I give the signal", I spoke as I got a nod from the driver. "Yes ma'am."

With that I nodded and looked at the others. "Ok, everyone ready? Then let's begin." I clapped my hands twice and watched as all the members went to their directed spots in the school and the vehicle behind me quickly drove away.

This was my normal tuesday and on my agenda was.... kidnapping kids.

I walked into the school and started looking around. So many drawings, I must be in the elementary area.

Just as I was walking through the school, a loud monitor suddenly turned on. "Attention all students and teachers. There are strangers in the building. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill. Please continue with lockdown procedures."

Shit, one of them must've got caught or walked through a camera. I knew I shouldn't have taken the newbies but they just had to put them not me.

"Whatever, I guess I'll just have to do this myself", I sighed as I started rapidly running through the halls.

As I was running through the halls, I heard gunshots in one of the classrooms. The door was open so I peeked in to see a student frantically holding a gun as two of my new members stood in front of him.

I watched as he started to point the gun not just at my members, but at the teacher and other students. Oh they found one, maybe they aren't so useless.

I quickly entered the room, turning on the lights as I locked the door. I watched as the boy immediately pointed the gun at me.

"S-Stay back!!" "Johnathen, put down the gun!" "Shut up!!" So his name is Johnathen... I can work with this.

As this so-called Johnathen guy was fighting with his teacher, I started getting closer and closer to the boy. He noticed this and once again pointed the gun at me.

"C-Come any closer and I will put this trigger—" Before he could finish, I slapped the gun to the side as he accidentally pushed the trigger, making him miss his target, wasting his bullets. I watched as he tried to shoot the gun again but nothing came out.

"That's a revolver. 7 to 6 bullets and you my friend have just wasted all of them. Unlike you, I've handled a gun before. And I have a pistol", I spoke as the two members got behind me and the school boy stood in shock in front of me.

"W-What do you want! We're just kids, we have nothing!! Whatever you want, just take it already!! It's not like we have much to lose anyway", the boy exclaimed as the teacher stared at him in shock.

"Johnathen., how could you say that!" "It's true! We're a low rate school and most of us are starving because there's no way the government would care for people like us!! No one cares—" Just before the boy could finish his rant, I thought it would be a good timing for me to step in.

"You're wrong Johnathen..." "What do you know, you're a stranger here to shoot up the school?!", he yelled as he pointed the empty gun at my face... so I pointed mine at him.

Fear is a liar (Kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now