Chapter 4

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From the bathroom to the library, I tried my best to walk there like a normal person but my legs kept shaking.

You can't exactly blame me though, I was just in the same room as the mastermind. I honestly was starting to think that I'd be stuck in that room forever. But now it's all finally over.

Once I get to the library, I'm going to see Kaede and Shuichi explaining to everyone about their plan as they expose the mastermind. And then after that, we can all get out of here.

The monitor in the bathroom said someone died. Someone probably killed another student right as the timer was about to run off.

I bet everyones gonna freak out. Oh well, why should I care? It's not like I knew everyone for long anyways.

These are all still strangers. Plus who ever killed that person gets to escape free along with us so it doesn't matter in the end.

It took a bit of time but I finally got to the library. From the outside, I could already hear loud chattering coming for the library.

I slowly peeked inside to see all 16.... no 15 ultimates. Hold on... who's missing, could it be the mastermind? Wait hold on... Where's Rantaro?

Just as I was going to peek my head in a bit further, out of nowhere some metal launched itself at me as the library doors swung open.

"Whoopsies, excuse me!" "W-Wait, give the cameras back!!" That voice... that was Kaede. What's going on?

I looked to my left as I saw a pink bear speeding through the building. Did I just get hit by a bear? Whatever, I don't have time for this.

I tried standing up but just as I did, I felt a burning pain inside my stomach. Ack, wow this hurts! It must be from getting knocked out the bear.

Getting metal thrown at your stomachs kinda hurts. I can't walk around in this condition. There should be some medical supplies in the warehouse.

Everyone seems to be gathered in the library so they all must be distracted right now. This should be able to give me enough time to go to the warehouse and then come back to the library.

And just that like that I started limping towards the warehouse even slower than I did walking towards the library.

I was hoping no one would find me like this and that whoever's dead body would be enough of a distraction for me not to get caught... but we knew that wasn't going to happen.

Kokichi's POV:

I can't believe it. I just saw Rantaro yesterday and now he's dead. Dammit, why didn't the culprit just step forward? If they wanted to escape that badly then they should've just stepped forward.

Now we have to deal with their mess and that mastermind stuff Kaede and Shuichi were talking about. Well at least it isn't boring but it will be since Kaede and Shuichi took pictures of the mastermind.

It's great I'm not dead but this is seriously boring. I might just take Himiko's side on this and say this is a pain. I wonder what Ghost-Chan is doing right now.

Just as Shuichi was talking about developing the pictures in the cameras, one of the colored bears magically popped into the room.

"I heard everything you said, just leave it to me!", the pink bear cheered as we stared in confusion to why it was here.

"I'll develop the photos so you bastards can have a proper investigation!", the bear cheered once more as it launched itself at Shuichi.

Just as Kaede was about to stop the bear, the bear quickly smacked the cameras from Shuichi and dashed out of the room.

Fear is a liar (Kokichi x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt