👻🌸Chapter 1🌸👻

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(From here on out, I will use the pronouns she/her/hers for Boo to minimize confusion. I will add an author's note whenever I use different pronouns. I didn't realize how confusing it was until I tried differentiating Nana's actions from Boo's instead of them moving simultaneously.)

Boo exhaled with her eyes shut tight, ready to open them and see her Nana's mangled corpse. Her heart pounded inside of her chest and her muscles tightened to the point where she could barely move her limbs. "Nana..." Boo called quietly, tears forming in her eyes. "Nana... are you alive?"

She threw her eyes open as soon as she heard a heavy cough. "I'm alive... Satan hasn't taken me yet! Lazy bastard needs to hurry up!" Nana heaved out a laugh. Boo smiled, relieved that her precious family member was still alive and well. She sat up and looked around in confusion, seeing the automobile in somewhat perfect condition. It was just as rundown as it was before they were sent flying off the cliff. Tall trees surrounded them completely, so dense that you could barely see between them.

Crickets chirped but other than that, everything was completely silent. The sun was completely down with the moon in its place, indicating that they were asleep for a while. "Where are we?" Boo questioned, looking in the direction of her Nana. There she saw a slightly younger old lady with faded red hair and moss green eyes surrounded by a minimal amount of wrinkles. "...Nana?

"Well damn, my hip don't ache anymore! I always told you I was a witch!" Nana cackled as she stood up and cocked her hip side-to-side. "You look younger. Did you scare your wrinkles away?" Boo deadpanned, approaching the smug lady. "Heh, damn right I did!" She continued cackling.

"I was joking..." The psychic trailed off weakly.

Nana just flipped her faded hair before looking around. "You got any jokes to make light of this situation? 'Cuz I have no idea where we are!" Boo sweatdropped, blinked, then looked at her surroundings again. "Mountains aren't just funny, they're...

hill areas." They both rolled their eyes and shut themselves inside of the automobile.

"I say we follow that convenient path that wasn't here before, and if someone tries something, we whip them into shape like I did in the war!" Nana grinned, rolling down her window and pulling her seatbelt on. Boo looked at her grandma and paused, "You didn't fight in the war."

Nana scoffed and started the car, the usual clanks sounding throughout the thick forest before a few puffs of smoke filled the air. "Don't stress the little details, my soul was there beatin' everyone's ass. Even my own comrades were running for the hills!" She hooted, smacking the steering wheel as she got lost in her imagination again. She would occasionally tense up when her fantasy got particularly intense.

Boo just looked at her lap and pondered where they were. The terrain was unfamiliar and there were no trees this tall on Earth. Did this mean that they were in another world? She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and decided to also roll down her window to get some fresh air.

"This is weird..." She muttered before leaning her head on the seatbelt and drifting off.


Boo's consciousness slowly cleared up, her mental fog becoming clearer each second. She could feel the rocking off the car and the rocks beneath the dirty tires. The exhaustion in her eyes was prominent as they refused to open, feeling like a hundred pounds were laying on her eyelids.

She just settled for listening to everything going on. Nana was humming some 90s song and tapping the armrest in a steady beat, occasionally taking a sip from her water bottle or popping a stale candy in her mouth.

She could feel the sun on her skin and realized she had slept the whole night. Since they were still on the road, Nana probably hadn't found anything noteworthy. She forced her black to white eyes to open and leaned forward slowly. Her neck ached once it was moved from its position on the seatbelt but soon faded into nothing but a little tingle.

She hummed, "No luck?" The elder Jacky just scratched her head in exasperation. "Nothin', absolutely nothing! I think we're in the booneys or somethin'."

"Your accent is getting inconsistent again. Make up your mind already."

"My accent has nothing to do with this!" Nana exclaimed, slapping Boo upside the head gently. "But it bothers me." The psychic said offhandedly. "It's as consistent as your weird Tinder dates." Nana decided simply facepalming would be a good enough response but refrained from doing so as she was still driving.

'I could probably get a good date now that I look like this,' Nana thought and winked at herself through her rearview mirror. Nana was definitely old, but she had the heart of a teenager. You just had to stay long enough to see it.

"Anyway, I'm thinkin' we just keep following this road and if we hit a fork, we promptly stop giving a damn." Boo looked down and considered that option. If they went in an inconvenient direction, they could run into something dangerous, get robbed, kidnapped, anything. If they were unlucky, they could also run into a Paranormal Talent that's stronger than hers. Although that's unlikely as they are in an unfamiliar place that seems completely different from their Earth, it's best to not take any chances.

"I think we should pull over and I'll scout out our location from above." Boo recommended, unbuckling her seatbelt and looking out her open window. Nana sweatdropped. "Right, that sounds more reassuring than just winging it." She pulled the car over and slowed down, unlocking the doors.

"Okay, tell me what you see." Boo nodded and exited the vehicle and activated her levitation, slowly floating above the trees. The forest was vast and thick, barely any openings that Boo could see for miles. While there were some roads that created a bit of a clearing, she still couldn't make out any civilizations.

Turning her body to the right, she narrowed her eyes and hummed in accomplishment as soon as she made out some sort of wall. It was very obviously manmade with a few structures peaking over it, but that doesn't exactly mean that the people there were friendly. She looked down and saw her Nana outside of the car, waiting for her patiently.

Boo motioned her hand to signify that she was going to get a closer look and Nana nodded, shooing her away. She pushed herself forward then activated her invisibility, making it to the wall in a convenient time.

People were situated at their shops and were actively trying to attract customers, some people listening to what they had to say and the others simply ignoring them and passing by.

Kids were running about with their toys in hand, their other friends chasing them and giggling. By all means, it seemed like a pretty normal village. It didn't have advanced technology when looking at it with a first glance, but inside of the shops there were some radios and communication devices. It was odd how they prioritized their long distance communication instead of convenient everyday appliances, but maybe they have a large demand for a job that needs such things?

Boo's eyes scanned as far as she could see, stopping when she spotted a man with a green vest running atop the rooftops and jumping inhumanly high. Her eyes widened and she began chasing after him. She first thought that he was a Paranormal Talent, but she quickly dismissed that theory as soon as she saw two other people join him.

"So multiple people can use that ability? And no one seems to be reacting particularly strong towards them." She mumbled. Other than those strange people, this seemed like a safe place that would probably help them if they explained their situation.

She then returned to her awaiting Nana.

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