adoption and artillery

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summary: Aizawa falls sick and his adopted son, Izuku, decides he'd teach 1A for the day. Despite the disgruntled teacher appearing eventually, he teaches and trains with the class, showing no restraint with artillery and heavy weaponry. That is, until Nezu's plan gets put into play. And it'll be the downfall of the LOV.

warnings: scars, guns, kidnapping


Izuku puts on a pair of soft-lined leather gloves and mounts on his bicycle towards UA. As the steady hum of pedalling calms his racing heartbeat, he thinks back to the sick Aizawa he left wrapped up in bed and frowns. 

Of course, he was going to sub in for his father. How bad of a son would he be if he didn't?

Wheels ground on the rough cement as he whizzes past buildings, crisscrossing past civilians and students. His bike got parked next to a car he recognized as Present Mics, but it didn't cross his mind as to what that meant, securing it with a shiny lock. 

Making his way into UA wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a tool belt made him look out of place from well-tailored uniforms, but he continued on with a laugh. Fine minutes to the bell, his feet stopped right before Principal Nezu's office. 

Izuku knocked softly before creaking the door open and peering through, nervous to see the Principal after so long. It seems he had no reason to be scared, however, as Nezu immediately smiles and pours him a personal mug of tea. They chat for a few minutes in a suspiciously open discussion, where Izuku gets permission to sub in for his dad. 

Pushed out of the office with a dismissive wave of the hand, the boy reluctantly starts walking towards the room of expecting students. Heart rocking in his chest, he yawns as he opens the door and strolls inside, feeling familiar with the classroom. 

Nineteen pairs of eyes simultaneously snap his way, alarmed and confused. 

"I'm gonna be your teacher for-" 

Izuku is immediately interrupted by a blond student charging at him seemingly out of nowhere. Confused, Izuku dodges easily and turns to watch how Bakugo trips and slams angrily on the floor, not expecting the dodge. 

"-today while Aizawa isn't here?" He ends with a question.

The rest of the class seem to take it easier, going into immediate conversation about him while he erased what had to be yesterday's last class from the chalkboard. "You guys have homeroom now, right?" He hums as the class dwindles to silence. 

He doesn't notice it as he faces away, but when he turns to sit atop the teacher's desk, he notices raised hands. A quick hand pulls up to muffle his sudden laugh before he shakes his head, affirming that he's cool with questions being asked informally. 

"What happened to Aizawa-sensei?" A short girl with a bob piped up, soft-looking earphones hanging from her ears. Izuku had to restrain himself from annotating all over his dad's work plan. 

"He has a cold. ..I'm pretty sure" Izuku mumbles. 

Ignoring an immediate buzz of conversation, a blue strong-looking kid stands up. "How can we be sure you're qualified to teach us?"

Izuku had to think about that one for a moment. "You can't." He replies finally. "I mean, I'm Aizawa's son so it should be all cool. I got Nezu's permission." Deafening silence fills the room before an even bigger wave of conversation: shouts of Aizawa has a son? and Someone would willingly marry him?  flitted around quickly, making Izuku wrinkle his nose. 

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