Draco stiffened. He had no doubt that the redhead had seen them sitting together, yet the look on his face was less one of fury and more...concern.

You don't have to worry about her, thought Draco, I won't hurt her.

Draco swallowed. the first step he took he nearly stumbled. His cheeks colored with embarrassment as went over to the door closing it softly without looking at Fred again.

He paused for a moment his hand on the door listening, a part of him waiting to hear Fred get up and try and bang on the door or cuss him out for putting his arm around Hermione. When silence was the only answer Draco let out a small breath of relief and made his way to the sink where poured Hermione a glass of water.

He brought it to her and she reached out to accept it from him without even looking up. He placed the glass in her hand and then went over to the secret compartment and tapped it pulling out a healing potion he downed it, steadying himself against the counter.

A strange and niggling worry had Draco flexing his calf. The motion burned.

"I'm going to pop outside for a moment," said Draco, careful to keep his voice even. "Promise you'll stay in here."

"Mmmhmm," Hermione nodded not looking up at him.

Her intensity overshadowed his worry and he stopped to just watch her reading.

Merlin she is so adorable in bookworm mode, he thought and smiled before going outside.

The sunshine felt warm on Draco's skin, which was good because he felt oddly cold.

With a wave of his wand the temperature outside spiked. When he tried to lift the pant leg the pressure made the wound ache so he stripped down to his boxers to examine it.

It looked worse.

Much worse.

"Shit," he said aloud and swallowed.

Hopefully the potion would help.

You should look in the library and see if you can figure out what the hell he hit you with, Draco thought to himself. Find the counter spell.

Usually a few healing charms and potions were enough...Not always.

It looked like something infected, the skin a little pink and swollen around that initial black mark.

Maybe that was all it was: some dirt or ruble caught in wound.

Salt helps with that, he thought and looked out at his miniature ocean. Clean it out.

It would feel good to dive in and stretch his muscles anyways so Draco stripped down to his boxers and dove deep into the water. The entry felt clean and refreshing, then salt hit the wound. It burned like all hell...like something was... hissing at him.

Draco swam for as long as he could before the fatigue from healing coupled with pain in his leg became too much and he climbed out and re-dressed.

A second chime sounded as Draco was toweling his hair letting him know that they should be getting back. His mother would be coming to check on them soon for lunch and he couldn't draw any more attention to them. His mother was too astute for that.

Ducking inside Draco found Hermione browsing his book shelves. She turned to face him when he entered.

"This place is yours isn't it?" she asked.

Draco nodded.

"I thought so," she said turning back to the shelves. "I recognized the taste in books. Though these ones feel more personal," she caressed a leather spine gently.

Left Behind 2: Illusions (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now