I Will Kill You!

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School is over now.....

Students are rushing down the staircase to go out of School gate as if they will never come back to this place again.

Sid is watching all this from the first floor.

Sid: ( to himself ) These are best moments of school life when you have no regret of past and absolutely no worries of future.

After completing his duty, he is peacefully walking in the corridor.

When he felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned around to know who is it?

Sid: you?? What happened now??

Avu: Yeah. Do you know where should we both be right now??

Sid: At our homes.

Avu: You are such a nerd.

Sid: Oh really!! Then what you are??

Avu: I am the most elegant, beautiful and adorable throughout the school.........

Sid pov;

Oh god, how can anyone be so childish but these are qualities which make her stand out of everyone in the school.

Sid: I am think that is enough for a day, you are such a babygirl !!!!!!

On hearing this Avu blushed..

Avu: Lets go//

Sid: Where??

Avu: You really don't remember??

Sid: 🤨🤔 NO//

Avu: We have to go to meet teacher as she told both of us to meet her after school..🙄

Sid: Shook! I just forgot about this thing..

Avu: Now come\\\

Sid: After you my lady ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They are standing outside the teacher's cabin.

Sid on opening the door.

Sid: May we come in ma'am.

Teacher: yeah come in both of you.

They both went in the cabin and stand infront of the teacher.

Teacher: ( facing them ) So tell me whole incident, why you both were late.😠

They both narrate the whole story.

Teacher listening the whole story passed a smile😌 and then take of her specs.

Teacher: You both are really mad, if one person got into then other without even thinking for a second get along with the other person. I must appreciate your friendship but next time be careful Avneet as you got a new a admission today only and you naughty boy be aware as Mr. handsome of School Competition is on its way and do not do anything which make you feel regret of yourself.

Avu & Sid: AS you direct ma'am.

They both go out of the cabin.

Teacher: (to herself) They both are unaware of the special bond which they share between them but time will make them together........

Outside the school////////

The whole road was deserted.

Sid: Lets just go to home, today's school day was very terrific.

Avu: yeah you are right.

Sid ( to himself ): But you made it good. 😋

5.30 p.m.

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