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We have seen that Sid is compassionate about Avneet and got tensed when she is missing but he ended caught by the teacher.

After this confused scene of missing of Avneet...

On seeing the teacher and her deadly looks, Sid was standstill for a moment...

Teacher: Speak, don't you have tongue in your mouth, speak up!

Sid: (fearfully) No...Y... Yes ma'am, Actually..........

Teacher: (furiously) SHUT UP! I don't want to listen to your shitty excuses😡

The whole room filled with a complete silence...

Teacher: Now come with me you both to principal sir's office

Sid first looked at Avneet then again on teacher 🙄

Sid: I am sorry ma'am, I will not repeat this thing again, really sorry ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Avneet's looked as if she was going to cry but she made a fist in her hands controlling

her emotions..

Avu: I am really sorry about my past deeds and I will not do that kind of things 😢 and ma'am that incident happened because of Siddharth, Actually.......................

But teacher was least interested in these students and there SORRY....


Both with an confused and sad face nodded their head in yes..

They were following teacher and for both of them the entire hallway seemed to a gateway to hell.

On standing outside the principal sir's office they both were regretting what they have done..

Sid to himself: WHY I can't wait for the teacher? Why have done all this thing just for her? WHY?

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