Chapter 2

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As I went back to my dorm I thought of what happen with me and Draco. Why would he do such a thing he doesn't even no me and I don't know him.

Once I got in my dorm I shower and then but on some comfy clothes. When I was about to sit down I heard a know at the door, I opened it and it was Hermione "oh my god, Hermione! I haven't seen you since the summer"

"I know I'm sorry I tried to find you" she said then hugging me.

"And look at you, you look better then ever" she added, I smiled

"oh I came here to let you that there is a party in the Slytherin common room, do you want to come?" You might think that oh Gryffindor's and Slytherin's mean you each other. And your not wrong but Slytherin's and Gryffindor's try to control their anger.

"Um do I have to go"

"oh come on Y/n Harry and Ron are there, please come for me?" She looked at me and waited for an answer "fine let me change into a dress" I finally said. "Yes!! Okay meet you at the party" then she left, I got out my dark green dress, I'm not a big fan of green but this was all I had right now.

Once I got dressed I walk down to the Slytherin common room, there were lots of people here. People that I've never seen before, I walked up to Hermione "Hey, oh Harry and Ron are over here they want to see you" she said pulling my arm to them.

"Guys look who came!" Hermione said to Harry and Ron. "Bloody hell Y/n!" Ron said "we haven't seen you in forever" Harry said.

Harry,Hermione and Ron were my absolute best friends, they were like my brothers and sister.

"Hey guys" I said to Harry and Ron. Later that night me and Hermione danced and had fun. Until I saw a platinum hair boy walk into the party, with his black suit on. Draco.

I didn't want to see him after what happened with us. As I turned to walk away I bump into someone "oh I'm sorry" it was a boy with light brown hair and had a Hufflepuff uniform on. "Oh no that's okay it was my fault" I apologized.

"I'm Cedric" he was a handsome boy, "um I'm Y/n" I smiled at him. "Well, nice to meet you Y/n" I started to walk away "um do you want to get some drinks" he offered, I stop and smiled with my back turned and slowly faced him "I would love to".

Me and Cedric talk the hole night and drank together, and drank and drank many times. Hermione walked up to us "Hey I'm going to leave with Ron and Ginny but Harry will be here" I looked at her and laugh. Well you could say I was completely drunk, "are you going to get back okay"she asked "oh don't worry about me, me and Ced-Cedric are just fine" I said trying not to laugh.

Cedric laugh along with me he was completely drunk as well. Hermione left with Ginny and Ron, "wait did Hermione say that Fred was staying here or George" I asked Cedric. "No I think she said Jarry" he both started laughing for no reason.

When I was about to drink my beer I felt someone pick me up and carry me somewhere. I kick them so they could let me go, I felt them place me on a bed.

Again this chapter is short as well but they get longer just trust the process. And thank you for staying with this book it really means a lot to me!!

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