Get to the Airport!!!

Start from the beginning

Ash: -grabs her- be careful, hold my back so you don't fall off

Ash: Now tell me this plan you have

Korrina: Just stop Charizard for a second

Ash: Charizard stop

Korrina: -grabs her phone and calls someone- Come on pick up!!

Korrina: -phone cuts off- I'm going to kill her! -calls again-

???: Hello

Korrina: Ok good, let me tell you what happened -tells this mystery person the situation were in-

???: Ok I understand, I will be there as fast as I can!! -hangs up-

Korrina: ok Ash fly again!!

Ash: Charizard go!! -they fly off again-

-1 hour later-

Ash: -turns around- Korrina you ok?

Korrina: Of course I am, I'm the granddaughter of Mustard, something like this is trivial

Ash: Keep going buddy!!

-With Risa, Mallow, and Serena-

Mallow: -yawns- So tired!!

Risa: We have to deal with it, Luxray caring all of us, be thankful

Serena: I wonder how Ash is doing by now

Mallow: Uhhh!! Serena why can't you just tell Ash you like him

Serena: I told you for the 1000th time, Ash is not interested in a romantic relationship.

Mallow: And I told you for the 1000th time that's an excuse!!

Serena: Just give it a rest already, you've been trying to do this for 6 years now, you and blue used to love to tease me.

Mallow: Tomorrow might be the final day we all get to see each other for a Long while, at least try and tell him, what do you think Risa?

Risa: Um...I'm not a person you should be asking about this love stuff

Mallow: Uhhh!! What is wrong you people, and you dare call yourselves girls, pathetic

Risa: Serena, may I ask why you like Ash?

Serena: It's.....a long story Hahah

-With Clemont and Bonnie-

Bonnie: Why do we have to ride in a car

Clemont: We need to get as far as we can in a car so Charizard can have a shorter distance to reach.

Bonnie: -sighs-

Clemont: Hey, you want me to tell you a story

Bonnie: It's probably going to be boring, don't bother

Clemont: It's about our mother

Bonnie: Oh... -looks down-

Clemont: -pats head- I'm sorry Bonnie, I haven't told you about our parents at all, and I don't have any pictures to show you but. You look like mom when she was a child, her name was Autumn Toshiro, we both look exactly like her, then there's our father, Meyer Toshiro, he is -sighs- something else.

Bonnie: Can I ask you something

Clemont: Go ahead!

Bonnie: -tightens her fist- Why do you guys leave me out of everything!!

Bonnie: I asked you multiple times for years but you always had the same excuse, so why are you telling me now!?

Clemont: I'm sorry -smiles-

Bonnie: Why are you smiling, you think this is funny -shakes Clemont's body- Why won't you tell me about where we are from!!

Clemont: hahaha! Ok settle down, I'll tell you. Listen closely

-Back with Ash and Korrina-

Ash: *Damn!! It's getting hard to breath!* Korrina you ok?

Korrina: -cough- I can barely breath, huff.

Ash: Charizard stop!

Ash: Dammit!! This isn't going to work!! Charizard is going too fast that we can't get enough oxygen to breath

Ash: -Thinking- *What now, even if we reach the rental pokemon place and come back Charizard is going to be really week from flying for 2 days straight, it's damn near impossible*

-Korrina's phone start's ringing-

Korrina: -picks it up hello- Hello

???: Where are you, I'm at Aether's Paradise already!

Korrina: You're already there!?!

???: Yeah, I took the old man's fastest jet. Now where are you?

Korrina: Sorry, me and my friends already left there 2 hours ago.

Ash: How about let's meet at the next city, Sukasuchi city.

???: Who is that?

Korrina: Never mind that now, let's just meet up at Sukasuchi city now!! -hangs up-

Ash: Who was that?

Korrina: Just a friend, anyway let's hurry up!

Ash: yeah we're only about 45 minutes away, let call the other's and tell them -calls Serena-

Serena: Yeah Ash?

Ash: Wherever you are, let meet at Sukasuchi city, there is someone Korrina called to pick us up. -hangs up and calls Clemont-

Clemont: Uhh? What you need? Are you already there!?!?

Ash: No not even close but we have a new plan, meet up at Sukasuchi city! -hangs up-

Ash: Ok Charizard go!! -They boost off-

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