Arrival and Emergence

Start from the beginning

[Flag of Moskovia] (i know its rough but thanks again to MeholzEmpire for making it)

However the biggest shock for the people of Moskovia was the Chairman was young again thanks to the accident which caused the shift of the motherland.

The address that was given was one that would go down in both moskovias history but also the planets as going forward the chairman would shade light light onto the world that was once his own, but also his own past which would cause many to try and smeer his good name and even honor as a proud warrior of the motherland.

[ Chairman Putins address to the world ]

Comrades, sons and daughters of our glorious and greatest motherland. During the test of our newest slip space drive an accident occurred in which our entire nation, our motherland was transported to a world for which I once called home, this world is known as Remnant.

A world in which is filled with creatures of darkness, corruption, discrimination, and even worse yet those of the bourgeoisie who enslave the working class all in the name of money. A world where I myself tried to be a hero to try and fix the broken system from the inside by lying my way into one of the best schools meant to train future protectors known as hunters and huntress's.

However even with all the good I tried to do I still held the shame of the guilt that no matter what I could not change this worlds evils which has entrenched it selve deep into the system. However by the war gods grace I was granted a second chance to be the hero that many of you know me to be, for which I will continue to be.

For on this day I made a promise when I took this office as chairman that I would help all those who need as a true and honorable warrior of moskovia ! As a soldier of moskovia ! For their are those in this world who are like our people all those years ago.

SHUNNED ! OPRESSED ! AND CONQURED BY THOSE WE FOUGHT ALL THOSE YEARS AGO ! These people are much like us they embarked on an exodus for freedom and for our people MOSKOVIA BECAME THAT FREEDOM ! and the motherland will continue to do so for all who seek true freedom and equality ! And in time I shall rebuild our great union, in time shall rebuild PUR STRENGHT ! And in time I shall REBUILD OUR PRIDE OF THE MOTHERLAND ! However this shall create enemies which will see us as a threat and seek our very destruction and try to stop our righteous cause to bring freedom and equality to the opressed masses. To this I say, we shall meet them together as a strong and unbreakable union ! We shall fight these threats as one hand ! One heart ! One soul ! THEY WILL HEAR VOICES THEY TRIED TO OPRESS IN THEIR SHACKLES ! WITH OUR VOICES ACTING AS ONE THEY SHALL KNOW THAT THOSE TRIED TO ENSLAVED SHALL BE IGNORED NO MORE ! Yes my brothers and sisters ! My comrades! Mothers ! Fathers ! Sons and daughters of the glory greatest motherland OF MOSKOVIAS DREAM ! NOW IS OUR TIME ! For this day forward I shall bring those who hide in the dark into the light ! I shall break the shackles of those who are opressed and enslaved ! and to those who feel threaten by my crusade for justice, for freedom, for equality and think they can try and stop me by the threat of invasion. Know this, moskovia belongs to moskovians.

After the broadcast was ended the vocal support for the chairman was loud as many showed their support by raising the flag of the motherland everywhere as the military was activated and put on high alert.

Along with his fiery speech access to moskovias information network was also given access to all the lands along with access to their networks as now the inhabitants of Remnant was now given a taste of what their entertainment, news,and history is and was. During an interview years later the chairman was asked "who was that speech aimed towards ?" An older chairman replied simply, "I aimed it towards not only the faunus  it also to the schnee dust company and those who were truely opressed by the greedy companies, the corrupt government, and the terrorist as a warning that the bear who was asleep for so long was now awake, and she was coming to bring death for hurting those who hurt her cubs."

A day after the address the world of Remnant was a buzz with this new faction showing up, many feared war, while others saw hope the vast majority who saw hope was the faunus who were indeed tired of their people being opressed and discriminated as many planned to flee to moskovia In Hope's of starting a new life. However their were those who saw that their way of life was being threaten as one business man, no as a tyrant was vocal in the snowy nation of Atlas claiming that Moskovia was a threat to Atlas very national security. Even with all the voices being screamed their were those that many didnt hear, the voices of a headmaster, a team of hunters and huntress's in training, and finally a family who saw their lost student, friend, son, and brother finally returned after being gone for five months and were only filled with questions as to what happen to him ?

but that.

Is a story for another day.

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