"You don't sound so sure," It's once again Emily's turn to speak and Spencer wonders if they planned that. Going back to forth in their questioning.

Spencer hesitates once again and closes his eyes. "It's not for me to say," He settles for saying. He knows it won't satisfy them so he continues. "I can't but...maybe she will." He's not optimistic that she will, but he hopes she'll talk to them. Yes, Devyn has him but he'll admit that she needs more than just him sometimes. Devyn is the kind of person that likes to be with people and she's been starved of that most of her life. Spencer is happy that she's growing closer to his friends, making them her own as well. It's good for her.

Being starved of human interaction for someone like Devyn can be dangerous in ways. She's had that cheery side to her ever since he met her and she always seems to find her way back to that. But there's been a difference since they started going out. Her happiness has seemed less...forced. And despite everything that's happened lately, she can still smile and joke. Their relationship isn't suffering. Spencer doesn't think he's ever met anyone stronger.


Huffing, Devyn pulls herself into the passenger side of the ambulance and leans back on her seat. She rubs her eyes before buckling her seatbelt. "I swear, one more person calls about having a heart attack because of minor heartburn. I will demolish greasy food from this earth."

"I'd stop you," Richard says, voice monotone as usual. "I love grease."

"But not your health, apparently," Devyn mumbles and leans her head back, closing her eyes.

"Hey, you good?"

"Mm-hmm," She hums in confirmation and before Richard can say anything else, a call comes through the radio.

The dispatcher rambles off the address before the reason for the call. "Adolescent drowning." Any sleep left in Devyn's system is yanked from her immediately and she sits up, readying herself. Richard's already started down the road, sirens ringing out loudly into the day.

Before the vehicle has stopped completely, Devyn is jumping out, grabbing her bag before rushing around to the back of the house.

"I only left him for a second!" The frantic, teary voice of a young girl cries out when Devyn is seen. The woman's eyes shift from the wet teenager and towards the pool before she finally sees the small boy lying on the ground beside it, motionless.

Rushing to the child's side, Devyn falls to her knees, Richard appearing beside her. She checks the boy's pulse and listens for his breathing before starting compressions. Richard places an ambu bag over the boy's mouth and starts pumping air into his lungs.

"How old is he?" Richard questions the crying girl loudly, ears listening for her answer and to the numbers Devyn is counting under her breath.

"He's five," The girl stutters and falls to her knees near-by. "I-I'm babysitting. His- oh go- his parents. I just left for a second! I told him to stay away from the edge."

"How long since he went under?"

"Um, five minutes?" The girl chokes, shaking her head. "I don't know! Please, just help him!"

"His name?" Devyn gasps out without stopping her movements and starts counting to herself once the words leave her mouth.

"Jonathan- Johnny."

"Come on, Johnny," Devyn mumbles to the boy, her arms aching, her stomach turning when she feels the boy's ribs giving under the pressure of her hands. But seconds later, the tiny child is coughing. She and Richard turn to boy onto his side, allowing him to spit up all the water he can before an oxygen mask is being placed over his face, and they're lifting him onto the stretcher.

After loading the kid into the ambulance, Richard closes the back doors and rushes to the driver's seat. Devyn hooks Jonathan up to the EKG, trying her best to ignore the teenager crying next to her.

She tells her the hospital they're going to, demands that she keep calling the boy's parents until they answer and fill them in on what's happening.
Jonathan's eyes flutter open and even though she's sure he's not really coherent, she smiles down at him. "Hey, little man, you're okay. Just try to relax, alright?" As she suspected, Johnny's eyes fall closed again in time with the ambulance stopping.

Richard is pulling the doors open and helping her get him out in seconds. They both wheel the boy into the ER, informing the staff of what happened and the patient's condition before he's taken off their hands.

Devyn breaths heavily as she watches them take the boy away. She swears she'll never complain about a false alarm again.

"Come on, kid," Richard clapping a hand on her shoulder pulls Devyn out of her head and she nods before following him.

When Devyn completes her report, she lets out a deep sigh and drops her pen onto the counter. She turns and leans her back against it, closing her eyes. "Hey," Richard's voice gets her attention and she turns to look at him lazily. "You did good."

"Yeah," Devyn whispers and looks down at her nails. "Let's go."


1. Of course Devyn is still sad about her Mother's death but she's doing okay. Some of why will be said in the next chapter. It's also been longer than it seems, as between most of these chapters.
2. Derek and Emily questioning Reid. I love that scene.
3. Their response time for that call? Record breaking lol. They be zooming. Ima say they were in the neighborhood already.
4. But yeah, that was tough. But the boy is okay! He will live!
I miss writing this story. I need to start on those one-shots. Even though you guys haven't read all the story yet, you can think of what else you want to see and let me know! I shall write it! Time between chapters for example. I'm also going to go back before the story started. Like Devyn and Richard first meeting.

Okay, that was a lot of notes. So, thanks for reading! I look forward to your reviews!


Warning: Near death of a child? I'm not sure how to phrase this.



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