"Just put the day one on this side and the night one on the other side, that way they have thier own sides of the room." She says pointing out the sides.

They nod and then start gluing the back of the day wall paper, slowly they put it up on the wall smoothing it out and bit by bit they get it on the wall. They do the same for the night wall paper and it only took them a half-hour. We let the wall paper dry for a little bit before we start setting up the other things. We get the drawers put together and then up against the wall. The one for the day has little clouds for the handles and the night drawer has stars. Next is the shelves on the wall. after getting all the stuff out I realize that we have no way of screwing this onto the wall.

"Just ask the neighbor to borrow a drill." Wesker tells me.

"Why don't you do it?"

"Fine" He mutters and then takes to the stairs and out the door. five minutes later he comes back with a drill and then we get the shelves on the wall.

Claire and Zhane had been getting one of the cribs together and when we went to go see them they hadn't gotten very far.

"Look all we have is this dinky screwdriver they gave us." Zhane huffs at us.

I give them the drill and then go sit back down. P.B. starts barking so I push myself off the chair and walk downstairs and I let him out back. I debate on weather or not to stay or go back up. By the time I get up there he would probably be done so I just stay put. He comes back to the door and I let him in, he rushes upstairs and I follow after him more slowly. When I get up there I see that they have the first crib set-up, the sun one and are now working on the night one. I wheel the day one to the other room and start putting the bedding, which is more clouds and suns it is a light blue color. After that I set-up the musical mobile, which has suns and clouds as well.

After that they have finished the other crib and strolled it in as well. Claire puts the bed in and the bed spread which has stars and moons on it and is a dark blue color. The mobile has the same thing. After that we had back downstairs and I show them the rest of the house. We start getting hungry and since we don't have the currency here we get into the car, Wesker drops off the drill and we head back, grabbing some food along the way.


About two weeks later and I'm still getting bigger, my feet are killing me and my mood swings are more frequent. Right now I am sitting on the couch and watching TV, there isn't anything to watch. P.B. comes into the living room and jumps on the couch. I notice that he is bigger or it could just be his fur that makes him look huge. When I gave him a bath-more like hosed him down in the backyard after he decided to play in the mud- he shrunk about three sizes. Brushing him is a hassle he doesn't like to sit still and you have to stop after three brushes to pull out the loose hair.

When we go for a walk I'm glad he doesn't pull me, infact he is rather well behaved when walking. If we pass some little kids and they come up to him he starts wagging his tail and licks their hands. He doesn't jump up which is another bonus. When he sees little kids running around he gets a bit excited in wanting to join them and play.

"In a year or two you'll get to play with kids." He lets out a happy bark in response.

We get back home and I'm bored again, but at least I can sleep. That takes care of an hour or two. When I wake back up I have to go to the bathroom-every time- and then it's time for lunch. Zhane makes grilled cheese-this kid lives on the basics- and tomato soup.

"So have you guys thought of any names?"

"We haven't really discussed it."

He gives me a look, "Chris, you're six months and two weeks pregnant, shouldn't you guys start discussing it?"

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