Fourth of July pt.1

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"You can't just stop." There is a slight tremor in my voice and I hate how he can make me re-act.

"You nearly crashed just now." His voice is even betraying no sign that this is affecting him.

I make a strangled noise in the back of my throat. I tighten my grip once more on the steering wheel. Every time I hit a bump in the road or a pot hole I hiss in a breath and have to change my sitting position.

"Would you like me to drive?" I can hear the enjoyment in his voice.

"What for?"

We come to another stop and I glance over at him, he is looking at me now and he has a small smile on his face. This is actually him, not the virus.

"So you can fix yourself." He says it as if it's a normal conversation topic, as if what he just said wasn't dirty at all.

I'm feeling oddly playful and so I give him an answer that I really shouldn't have, considering where it could lead. "But you're the one that caused it." His smile widens a bit and I feel myself starting to smile as well but I hide it in a turn of my head. The light turns green and once again we are off.

"Is that so?"

I just nod my head, not trusting my voice to answer. He then does something that makes me almost slam on the brakes. He leans over and whispers in my ear "Pull over."

"We're on the highway." My voice is barley above a whisper and I can feel his laughter in little puffs of air against my ear. I gulp and push a hand on his chest shoving him away gently. He sits back without any qualms, but the smirk hasn't left his face. When I finally got off the highway I pull into the nearest gas station to fill up the tank. I stay out side while the gas fills the car. Wesker steps out and walks over to my side, he leans up against the side of the car and crosses his arms.

"Are you going to drive?"

"Now is not the time"

I say trying avoid the stares of the other patrons. I secretly try and adjust myself with out any one noticing. Wesker sticks a hand in my pocket causing me to jump, he pulls out the car keys and then sits in the front seat. When the gas is done I head inside paying for it and then leaving. I get into the passenger side and he starts the car pulling out of the place.

After five minutes of driving he asks me, "Are you just going to sit there? I thought you had a problem."

"I can't do it in the car." I semi-whine.

"Do you want me to help?"

I bite my tongue and my legs start bouncing, which isn't such a good idea so I stop.


"Yes..." I basically mouth the word but I know he heard me because his mouth quirks into a smirk.


"Excuse me?"

"Do you want me to repeat myself or explain my intentions?"


"Unzip your pants, I can't I'm driving."

"So then how are you going to do this?"

"Unzip your pants and find out." His eyebrows are raised and I can tell that he is enjoying this but is also annoyed a little bit.

I sigh and then do as he says. He lifts a hand to his mouth and then pulls of his glove with his teeth- and damn it I almost solve my problem right there. I look at his face just to make sure that he's still there, he glances at me and I can see an arched brow over the rim of his glasses. Yeah it's him. His hand reaches out and my breath hitches before he even touches me. And then I'm falling back somewhat, glancing down I see that his hand is on the seat lever.

Starting A FamilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz