Leaving home!

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Hi! My name is Breeze. I'm 15 and I live in a small montain village! It's really nice and calm here, not many people live here but we all care about eachother and help eachother out. I'm happy with my life, but there was always just something not right about my life. Or should I say me. All my friends and family could tell, but they weren't sure what it could be, and neither am I.

One afternoon I was outside of the village picking strawberries (mmm my favourite) and I saw a glowing light nearby. I thought I was just seeing things so i ignored it and went back home. As I made supper with my older sister, I kept thinking about it and I was starting to wonder if it was all in my head. Even after we finished cleaning up the dishes it wouldn't leave my mind, so I go outside and make my way back to the place I seen it. It was there still, as if it knew I would come back. It flickered a little and floated off, so I followed it and it brought me to a weird cave where I went in and there it was waiting for me....

~~~~~~~the event~~~~~~~~

{hello young one... it is finally time...}

"Hmm? Time??"

{that feeling inside of you... it will soon consume you. If you stay here youll end up hurting everyone you love and care for. You need to leave...}

I'm crying and confused not knowing why this ball of light is telling me this. "I would never hurt them!! I love them!! You don't know or understand me!! Im loyal and will do anything for them!!!!" My rage could barely be hold in when that same feeling I sometimes get when I'm angry shows up in my chest. Except this time im so mad about being told I was gonna hurt people that it wasn't disappearing! My body feels like it's on fire and I can't see then suddenly it all just stops. And I can't see myself because i'm in a cave but I know I'm not just an ordinary jackal girl anymore.

{you cannot go back from this now, young one. You must seek out the Ancestral Witches}

My voice that's now deep and scary, is quiet. "Why though?"

{you've awakened the demon that was locked within your heart when you were born. Do you see what I mean about hurting your friends and family now?}

I nodded even though I dont want to understand. I can feel just how feral and uncontrolled i am with the thing awake. "Ok....... where do I go then? Where are they.. And am I gonna be like this forever?!" The glowing light is fading and I cry out in fear.

{you will switch forms between the day and night. you must trek the nomad's path..... and you must do so without being seen in your demonic form or you'll be burned at the stakes!}

I have so many more questions but the light is gone and I cant feel it's presence anymore. Weird. Feel? I close my eyes and tune into my senses. I'm so dizzy from it so I stop and slowly step out. The sun is almost setting, I'm supposed to go home but I can't face momma like this.... I step out and make my way to the nearby lake to look at myself. IM TERRIFYING!!! I almost scream in fright but remember it's me. But not really me? Touching the water and ruining the reflection I know I can't ever see my siblings or momma and poppa again.... My neighbours and all my friends.... I have to go now. I'll find these witches and get this thing out of me!


It's been a day and I miss everyone so much. I haven't got far as I was too scared too travel at night.... When I changed back into my regular form, I could see why that floating light told me I couldn't go back to my village because my former golden eyes were now a deep red, my gray fur now a colour blacker then the night. The demon still has control of me even in the day and I wouldn't be recognized by anyone. Changing into the demon form in the night was painful this time and I was hungry and tired from hiding out in the same cave for the day. I never left our village before because it's dangerous at night with robbers and other creatures out. I can feel that im strong in my demon form even though it's hard to control my actions. It's time though! I need to make the journey and stop being sad because I'm wasting time and will be away from everyone I love for longer Q/////Q

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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