2 - 𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙧, 𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 & 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙧

644 19 35


wow, yesterday was chaotic. not only did i summon a bathroom ghost of all things, i'm now friends with one?

plus, it was a horrible deal! i can touch hanako now yeah, but he can just fly away if i get angry!

i guess i was just desperate for a friend not caring who it was. i also have to clean the washrooms! though, at least i have someone to talk too.

hanako is very childish and pervy! he kept making dirty jokes!


"and you know what's the best about being a bathroom ghost??" hanako asked y/n.

"what?" y/n answered, annoyed with the fact hanako was giving her story times while she worked her butt off!

"well.." hanako started. he then grabbed y/ns waist and whispered in her ear. "there are many hot girls.." hanako continued

flustered and disgusted at hanakos perverted sentence, she pushed him away. "hey! that's not so not cool, looking at girls like that!" y/n said, crossing her arms and huffing.

hanako just stared at her innocently smiling. "whoops, sorry!" he said, pretending to be sorry about it

"and don't get to close next time! personal space, ya know!" y/n said, sticking her tongue out.

"ohhhh i'm really sorry! it's just i haven't been able to physically touch someone in a while! i forgot what it felt like.." hanako said sadly looking at the ground.

"well, if you ever want a hug..that's ok. but tell me first!" y/n said, feeling bad for the ghost.

"okay y/n-chan!" hanako smiled sweetly. y/n smiled back.

'what's with that nickname? maybe i should give him one too, since we're friends and all..' y/n thought to herself.

"no problem hanako-kun!" y/n replied sweetly. hanako's eyes practically sparkled at the new nickname.



after all y/n's classes were finished, she made her way to the washroom sort of excited!

although she wouldn't admit it, she enjoyed spending time with hanako! even if it was only for a few hours after school yesterday, it was really fun!

practically skipping to the washroom, y/n suddenly saw some weird monster looking thing in front of her...'what is that?' y/n asked herself.

'have you heard of mokke?'
'viscous creatures those things, they lure you in with candy before stripping you of everything and leaving you alone.'

'of course, that's just the new rumour going around..beware of mokke!'

y/n heard a couple of girls talking. 'mokke, huh?' y/n thought to herself.

deciding she didn't want to be interacted with it considering she already had one school wonder on her hands, she continued to the washroom.

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