1 - 𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩?

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(REMINDER: all the backgrounds & characters belong only to Iro Aida, the only thing that is mine part of the plot.)



"i dont need friends." i reminded myself for the 6th time today.

have you heard?
No.7 of the seven mysteries Hanako-san of the toilet. In the third stall from the end of the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the old building...

...You'll find Hanako-san. She will grant one wish to anyone who summons her spirit. But in exchange, that person will have to give up something precious.

To summon the ghost, you knock three times... And then "Hanako-san Hanako-san." "Are you there?"





while i was walking through the halls to the washroom, i kept hearing whispers about some urban legend "the bathroom ghost" called Hanako-San. is that what people are believing?

"go to the third stall..in the old building" a girl said

i sighed, knowing i was on my way there and hoping some girls would not be trying to out and their attention would turn to me.

"you knock three times before saying 'hanako-san, hanako-san' and if she's there she will reply!" another girl said, excited.

honestly, they are really believing that? although, it did seem interesting and it would be fun to prove them wrong.

i sighed, i guess i'll do it just to prove a point. i mean, it's not real. who's ever heard of a bathroom ghost?! especially one that 'grants wishes' for something in exchange.

however, by the slight change it would work..i'd wish for a friend. that's it.

•timeskip brought to you by the 7 wonders•

third person POV

hearing more rumours and getting bored, y/n rushed to the washroom quickly.

in all honesty, she was just going to get away from class and hide away in the stall for a couple minutes until she heard the rumours, of course.

when y/n finally made it, she walked over to the 3rd stall. she had little to no hope it would work.

taking a deep breath, she knocked three times before going "hanako-san..hanako-san." she rolled her eyes after waiting 20 seconds, scolding herself for actually thinking it could have worked.

turning around, she jumped back slightly seeing a considerably young male with a strange sticker on his face.

he was wearing some kind of school uniform, and had beautiful black hair and eyes.

"GAHH!" y/n yelled, putting her arms out to the side to protect herself.

"hm? did you not call?" the boy answered, confused. "call? wait.." a rush of realization came to y/n.

"YOUR HANAKO-SAN??!?" she screamed in disbelief. hanako gave her a thumbs up, smiling.

"sure am!" he said, happily. "but.." y/n tried to wrap her head around this whole thing.

hanako-san was a boy? why would a boy be haunting a girls washroom? why is he kind of hot? "IM SO CONFUSED!" y/n accidentally said out loud.

"ah, the rumours right? well, other then the me not being a girl part, everything is true!" he said, smiling brightly.

"well? do you have a wish?" hanako asked, curious. y/n just stared at him, before sighing.

"yeah, i do actually." y/n said, rubbing the back of her head looking at the ground. she hated making eye contact with people.

"well? what is it!!" hanako jumped up and down excitedly. 'hes like a puppy.' y/n thought.

"well.." y/n started, she took a deep breath before continuing. "to be honest with you, i just want a friend." she said embarrassed.

'he must be thinking i'm so pathetic! ughh y/n you idiot. couldn't you have wished for something cooler? whoever the friend is, you'll just let them down anyways!" y/n scolded herself.

she then looked back up at hanako when he had noticed he had been quiet for a while.

he was just staring at her, smiling. a look of..pity? y/n started overthinking everything again.

"well! that's easy! wow, you're much easier than most people although, i don't get many people so i guess i can't compare." he said, getting deep in thought.

y/n looked at him confused? "huh?" she said, well he just started quietly mumbling about how no one ever visits him and what-not.

y/n went to tap his shoulder to ask if he was alright, but it went straight through. 'y/n you idiot! he's a ghost!' she sighed.

"hanako-san?" she asked turning her head to the right a little. hanako turned back to her.

"well..who's my friend going to be?" y/n asked, happily. "me!" hanako replied, smiling.
"EHHH?????" y/n yelled confused. "BUT..BUT YOUR A GHOST!" she said, still yelling. "shhh! quiet down! and so what if i'm a ghost? i get lonely too ya know!" hanako placed a finger close to y/n's lips, trying to shut her up.

"but, i can't be friends with you!" y/n replied, lowering her voice. "huh?" hanako looked deeply hurt.

"w-why not?" he asked, looking like he could cry. flustered, y/n continued. "b-because! i won't be able to hug you! or flick your forehead if you tick me off!"

"i think it's for the best when you include that last one.." hanako laughed nervously.

"plus, there is a way you could be able to touch me..but you would have to give something in return." hanako said, thinking about it.

"like what?" y/n asked now curious. "hmm..labour?" hanako smiled back at her. "is that really my only option?" she sighed.

"well, unless you want no friends yeah!" hanako replied still smiling.

"okay, i'll do it!"


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