"I wish I could be like that. I don't think I could ever love again. I couldn't trust anyone with my heart like that again. I've decided I'm happy being alone" I joked

"That's what you think but when you find the one, you'll know. I believe everyone has a soulmate that they are destined to be with. "

"Not me"

"Especially you. Just don't give up on love but don't go looking for it either. Let it find you. Think of it as fate's chance to prove to you that love is worth fighting for" he said looking right into my eyes. Looking into his eyes, I saw hope. It surprised me that Justin was so open and willing to give love another try after him being hurt so many time, from what I've heard. Either he was a fool crazy for love or a wise romantic. Either way, his words made me ponder on the thought of love.

Which I didn't like.

"Geez you're such a romantic"

"I'm a sucker for love. Some even say I fall in love too easily" he shrugged without a care.

"Do you think so?"

"Nah I don't think so, I just see the good in people much faster than others ."

"Hmm all this talk about love is getting me sick to my stomach"

He laughed saying "Hey don't try to run away from love, because in the end it'll always find you no matter what."

And in that moment I got lost in his eyes taking in every word he had said.

I laughed out of nervousness wanting to get out of this tension between us, as soon as possible "You know I am so hungry"

"Haha me too honestly. Last one in has to cook!"

"What?! Wait no you got a head start " I yelled running after him

Somehow I ended up spending the whole day at Justin's place. The day was filled with a lot of laughing, flirting and even more laughter. All of the flirting was done by Justin of course but he can't help it. I'm honestly starting to think it really is in his blood or something.

Anyhow, he ended up cooking being that I beat him inside (even though he got a head start) and who knew that he could cook? He made some fancy shrimp tacos and it was so so sooo good! Not to mention watching him cook was the most attractive thing I've ever seen. The way he was so focused on what he was
doing......Justin low key is husband material.

"Well I guess I should be heading out now" I stood up stretching

"What no way! I was thinking we could watch movies for the rest of the night"

"It's getting pretty late"

"Why don't you just stay the night?"

"Stay the night? I-I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I don't have any extra clothes, or a tooth brush, I don't even have my precious bonnet!"

"Just wear my clothes and I have extra toothbrushes whenever I travel. As for the bonnet, I'm not gonna lie I have no idea what that is but you'll be fine."

"I don't know..."

"Won't you miss me if you leave now?"


"Ouch!" He said clutching his chest being the dramatic person he is

"I guess it'll be okay for me to stay"

"That's the spirit! I'll go get you some clothes to change into. One sec!" This boy is a literal child

I showered and got dressed in an oversized graphic tee of his and a pair of basketball shorts. Not gonna lie, it was quite comfy and I hope he knows by now that whatever he allows me to "borrow", it is now mine.

"Woah, where's your shirt sir?" I asked turning my head away from the view quickly

"In the closet where it belongs" he shrugged as he laid with a single arm propped behind his head as he used the other to flip through channels with the remote.

"So which room am I sleeping in?"

"This one" he pulled the sheets back revealing the empty space next to him

"Oh no I don't think I should"

"It's not like we haven't slept in a bed together before. At least we'll have clothes on this time"

"I guess you have a point there"

I chuckled shaking my head as I climbed in bed next to him. I'm still so flabbergasted whenever he speaks on it so casually.

"Uh Bella?"

"Hm?" I looked over at him raising a brow

"Why are you so far?"

"I'm not"

Before I could even argue against his claims, he snaked his arm around my waist to pull me closer to him. He smiled at me before laying down and flipping though the channels again as if nothing happened.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Very. So what should we watch?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll be sleep within the first thirty minutes"

"You're sleepy?"

"Yeah, I didn't realize it until I laid down"

"I'll just put on some cartoons or something "

"Spongebob please!"

"Spongebob? That cartoon is dumb"

"Don't ever disrespect spongebob, you know what you're dumb."

"Woah ok calm down Jamal, don't pull out the nine" he said putting his hands in the air. I laughed at his childishness

"Damn okay spongebob it is"

"As you should" I cheesed.

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