Chapter 52 - Final Four

Start from the beginning

"Do you miss Mason?" I asked.

She looked down at her knees with a guilty frown. "Maybe a little." Sara looked the smallest bit upset to hear this but chose not to speak up.

"No matter what, I think Maddie and Polly are safe," Peach said.

"Thanks, Peach. But we don't know that yet," I said.

Peach shook her head. "I'm going to be real, right? Maddie and Polly's couples were practically set up by America, America has chosen them as their favorites." She turned to us when she recognized the disappointment in her tone. "I didn't mean that to be mean, sorry. I fully support you guys, I just wish I was up there with you. Who knows how America feels about Gray and me, we haven't heard a damn word about our couple. Peyton and Anthony... well we know that already. And Sara and Mason are a new couple. There's always a risk of being new." 

"There is?" Sara looked around confused before nodding to herself. "Oh, I got it. Yeah. They've known you guys for three weeks, so they're attached to you. Guess I'm not there yet."

"But that doesn't mean you'll never be!" Peyton gave her shoulder a small slap. "Whatever's going to happen tonight is a complete mystery to all of us."


That night, after the villa had been saturated by nightfall, we sat around the interior of the villa, chatting and escaping from the weather. More rain would be coming later that night, brought in by powerful winds that whistled past the windows and rattled the trees outside. A few of the girls were in the dressing room with me, preparing for the dumping with setting powder and waterproof mascara. I was oblivious to the topic of conversation and instead watched the palm leaves sway in the violent night.

A gentle knock tapped at our door. Polly stepped forward and peeled it back, revealing Charlie standing in the hallway. "Maddie, wanna go for a quick chat?"

"Sure," I smiled. I wished the girls well and joined him out in the hallway. He closed the dressing room door behind me and led me downstairs, carefully taking my hand in his. "Where are we going?"

"Let's get cozy," he said simply. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, covering ourselves with warm blankets as we watched the wind through a large glass window that overlooked the entrance to the villa. "Wouldn't it be funny if some new people arrived while we were sitting here?"

I shook my head and leaned it against my hand. "God, no. I'm glad we've already gotten our last new Islanders, I can't take any more surprises."

"Yeah," Charlie agreed quietly. "So, I think we should talk about... tonight."

"I don't think we're going home... do you think we're going home?" I adjusted myself on the couch cushion to sit up straighter and see him better.

"No," he shook his head. "I don't. I wasn't talking about the dumping." He paused, waiting for me to connect the dots. It was apparent that I had when my cheeks began blushing profusely. "You've got a little something on your cheeks."


"Nerves," Charlie smiled fondly. "Do you want to win the hideaway tonight?" he asked.

I tried to hide a smile but failed miserably. "I don't know... kind of?"

"Well if it's only 'kind of,' we don't have to do anything if we win it. Whatever you're comfortable with." Charlie snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me slightly closer. "And if we don't, no big deal. You mean more to me than what that hideaway represents."

"Okay, that was hot." I smiled up at him. "I feel safe around you."

He smiled back and pulled me slightly closer then leaned down and delivered a soft kiss to my forehead. "That's all I could ever ask for."

A small stampede raced down the stairs like thunder pulsing the villa. The small group of girls from the dressing room stood in the living room with a few guys behind them.

"It's time," Polly said, holding her phone out to me as if I could read the tiny letters on her screen from a dozen feet away. 

Charlie stood up and offered me his hand, pulling me gently to my feet as the Islanders stepped outside and walked across the turf to the firepit. As the last of us took our seats, Arielle stepped out, immediately disheveled by the wind. She reached out her hand and a producer promptly gave her a blonde hair tie to keep her hair from flying all over the place. She continued her approach until she was directly in front of us.

"Good evening, Islanders. I'm sorry to come with such sad news, but tonight there will be another dumping. Two polls have been running for 24 hours and closed just moments ago. America has voted for their least favorite couple, and the couple they'd like to see have the hideaway to themselves tonight." Arielle cast a melancholy glance across our group. "When I say your couple, please stand up. Anthony and Peyton."

Peyton nodded and closed her eyes as she stood to her feet, knowing it was her time to go. Anthony stood beside her and reached out, sliding his hand into hers. She gave it a small squeeze in return.

"Anthony and Peyton, America has voted that tonight, you will sleep in the hideaway," Arielle finished. The group shared a collective gasp. Peyton's eyes flashed open, staring at Arielle with a questioning look, then looking around at the rest of us like we were all in on the practical joke. "Mason and Sara, please stand up." Sara let out a soft sigh as she stood with Mason. "Tonight, America has voted you as their least favorite couple. You have thirty minutes to pack your bags and say your goodbyes." She turned on her heels and waltzed out of the villa, her hair blown back by the wind.


After Sara and Mason left with teary goodbyes, the girls gathered in the dressing room, preparing for bed while Peyton stared blankly at her vanity, still unable to process the events of the evening.

"I'm still here... I shouldn't be here," Peyton looked desperately at the group for confirmation. "Sara should still be here."

"Don't feel guilty, Peyton. This is what America decided," I gave her a small pat on the back.

She shook her head. "It feels wrong... and why Anthony and me? Do they not see us arguing all day? We can barely be around each other."

"Maybe this will be a little therapy session for you both," Peach suggested as she clipped her hair back to moisturize her face.

"I don't think so." Peyton huffed and watched her reflection. "I'm going to go in there, have a good night's sleep, and get out. We don't even have to talk to each other."

"I think you should talk," Polly said. "I mean, you won the hideaway. Might as well use it for something. Talk through your differences. Or just give him a piece of your mind!" She punched the air.

Peyton smiled weakly. "Thanks, Polly. But I think it's best if we just... ignore each other, you know?"

Polly wanted to protest but instead nodded weakly. She set her hair tools down on her vanity and stretched her arms up to the ceiling. "Is anyone else ready? I don't wanna walk down alone."

"I'll go," I volunteered. I stood from my chair and followed Polly downstairs to the bedroom. Charlie had beaten me to bed and sat on top of the covers with his back against the headboard. On my shelf, my water bottle had been filled with water and fresh ice. I grinned as I approached and showed my appreciation with a small peck on the lips.

"You look great," Charlie smiled as he pulled me into bed and flipped himself beneath the blankets.

Peyton came down moments later with probably the least exciting hideaway outfit to ever grace Love Island history. Where other girls would wear lace and flowery perfume, Peyton walked downstairs with her hair in a bun and a pink cotton pajama set. She looked around with a slight annoyance and let out a soft sigh. "Well, where's Anthony?"

"Here." Anthony sounded equally annoyed. The two of them exchanged no further words as they walked out of the villa and departed for the hideaway.

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