Chapter Three

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The Next Morning Alya went in Marinette's room to see Mari and Adrien laying in bed together, "Oh MY God!" The Brunette squeeled as Nino came in, "What's uuu-" He paused, "OH" Marinette was practically on Adrien's chest, they were in a deep sleep. "WAKE UP BITCHESSSS!" Alya shouted and threw a pot at the wall. The two jumped out of bed. "Ah! Al- oh... Sorry Adrien!" Marinette slightly giggled, "Its fine Mari, we're dating, remember." He smiled and put his hand on her cheek, "Oh right! I totally didn't have a dream about that.. I thought it was fake.. Hmm.." She smiled and kissed him quickly before getting up. He smiled and got up as well.

They all sat down in the living room. "So guys.. What.. Should we do today?" Marinette asked while Adrien had his arms wrapped around her shoulders, blush was spread across her face and his. "I dunno... Sex all day? Sound good!" Alya smiled widely at Adrinette. "NO!" They both shouted. "I'm not listening to you two moan ALL DAY LONG!" Marinette shouted. "No.. You guys do it too." Nino said and leaned back in the couch.

"You really think I can have sex?" Marinette rolled her eyes, "Dude there is no way I can suck a dick..." Marinette then looked to the side, "Actully.. I could." She smirked as Alya clapped her hands, "Okay Adrien just image Marinette riding you." Alya laughed as the blonde looked away, "I already imaged it, kinda horney not gonna lieeee.." Adrien whispered a little as Marinette laughed, "Pervert." She giggled and looked back at the two brunettes. "So Sex all day or no sex?" Alya smiled widely, showing her teeth as she did it. Marinette rolled her eyes, "Alya, not everything is about sex, can we eat first." She sat up and walked over to the kitchen while everyone followed, "Okay Dupan-Cheng, I would love to hear you say that in 7 months." She smirked. "That's all you two will be doing.." Nino whispered as he sat down on the stool next to Alya. "Facts.." Alya said back and looked at Marinette.

"Okay shut up about sex." She looked back at them. "What do you three want to eat." She asked and walked to the fridge. "Alya. Okay so anyways." Nino said with a smirk. "Okay okay okay okay okayyyy" Alya giggled and kissed him. "We don't have that." The bluenette girl joked and sat up from the fridge, "How about you get some longer shorts." Ninos said with an eye roll. "Oh Shut up Nino." Marinette rolled her eyes back and got out some strawberrys, milk, and some cereal.

"Were having cereal, it's faster." She said and got out four bowls and poured the cereal, milk, and then the strawberrys in. She handed them to her friends with a smile, "Here ya go." She said and sat down next to Alya and Adrien. "Are you two gonna do it?" Alya asked her two friends with curiosity. "Alya.. You know.. I actully love walking.. And I don't know if I could." Mari faked being sad and continued to eat. "I can walk" Alya said and took a bite. "Alya.. He's small, its kinda obvious." The secret Superhero rolled her eyes. "Girl-" Alya began to say before Adrien cut her off, "He is." He said it super casually. "That was 10th grade Adrien." "So?" Adrien looked at Nino, "Did you grow?" "Yes I did Agreste. And It's not like your 8 inches." Nino said and continued to eat. Adrien fake coughed and glared at him. "Oh you are." The dj slowly said. "8,5 but ya." The model smirked and finished eating, he got up and put it in the sink.

All Marinette was doing was licking her spoon while she ate, she was lost in thought, and.. God only knows what she was thinking of. "Okay well ima go in my room.." Alya put her bowl in the sink and went down the hallway with Nino following. "I'm alone." Marinette mumbled and continued to eat as Adrien walked in his room. "SHOOT!" Marinette got up and put the bowl in the sink before running in her room. "Spots on!" The whispered and jumped out the window. Adrien did the same just 1 minute before her. "Hey Ladybug!" Chat said with a smile as she landed on the eiffel tower next to him.

"Did you hear about this Corona Shit?" Ladybug asked with an eye roll, "They want us to wear 2 masks while fighting, pfft." She looked forward while Chat nodded, "They can't make me put one on, I don't feel like suffocating." He laughed and looked at her. "Yeah." She agreed and looked at him. They started into eachothers eyes for a hot minute. "I.." She began to say before looking away, "I was wondering if you moved on yet?" She asked with a smile still looking forward, he nodded, "Yeah I do, I have a girlfriend now.." He looked at her, "Cool... I have a boyfriend.. Only two of my friends know about it since we just started dating yesterday.." "Same.." She looked at him, "Mine is blonde.." "My Girlfriend has blue-is black hair..." He looked at her, "Blue eyes.." "Green eyes.." They both started at eachother again.

"He's a model." Ladybug spoke with a soft touch to her voice, so close to a whisper, she was lost in chats eyes. "Hi Marinette." The blonde mumbled as he continued to stare at her. She smiled and jumped on his, locking their lips together into a passionate kiss. He smiled snd kissed back, she was on his lap grabbing his hair with her hands while his one hand was one her cheek, the other was on her waist. They both broke apart for air. "Kitty.." She mumbled as she burrued her face into his neck. "Yes Bugaboo?" He moved his fingers through her hair. "I'm cold, can we go home." She asked and looked up at him. "Of Course M'lady." He smiled and sat up with her in his arms, he jumped back to the apartment and went through his window. "Spots off." "Claws in."

"About time.." Tikki said as Plagg laughed. "You two knew?" Adrien asked as he galred at Plagg, "We knew since Dark Owl Kid." Plagg bit into a peice of cammenbert. "I could of dated Marinette 5 years ago?" He mumbled and galred at the kwamis. "Chat Blanc." Tikki mumbled making Marinette turn away. "Don't talk about that-" Marinette shivered and crossed her arms. "What's wrong?" Adrien asked and hugged Marinette's back. "Nothing-" Marinette smiled and turned around and smiled. "Marinette you have to tell him." Tikki sighed and flew up to Adrien. "You got akumatized in the future, you almost ended the world and Marinette had to fight you." Tikki spoke with a soft voice. "What?" Adrien spoke and looked at Plagg who was just as shocked.

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