Chapter One

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Marinette shared an apartment with her 3 best friends, Alya, Adrien, and Nino. Over the years the 4 have gotten very close. They hung out all the time and were almost insepritable. Especially Alya and Nino, they were going through their honeymoon phase, and for Marinette and Adrien, hearing moaning is like hearing the TV on. It's too normal.

They 4 all went to the same college, (pretend it's possible) and instead of getting a dorm were they couldn't choose who they were with, they all decided to buy a large apartment, I mean.. Adrien decided to buy it, he's the only one with money. They moved in August of 2019, and have been there for 7 months. Today, is a Friday. The day their lives.. Would change forever.

"Marinette where the hell are my keys!?" Nino yelled as he ran through the house looking for them, "I believe they are on the counter Nino!" The Blunette girl shouted back as she blow dried her hair. "Oh thanks!" The dj said as he grabbed his bookbag. "Are you guys ready to go?" He shouted as all of his friends came running. "Yeah we're ready Nino." Adrien said as Alya and Mari came running in the living room, out of breathe the 4 headed out into Nino's Car and drove to campus.

The school day was like any other day, Marinette was in math class, her last period when an announcement came on the loud speaker. "Good after noon students, I hate to inform you this, but the school will be shutting down for 2 weeks due to the spread of the Caronavirus, we insist you pack your bags and head to your dorm or apartment for safety until the school opens back up. Please stay safe, thank you." Everyone's faces went pale, had the disease gotten that bad? Nobody questioned it, they all packed up and headed outside.

"Oh my Fucking God!" Alya laughed as she ran over to her best friend, "It got here too!" The brunette said as the boys came over, "Well.. 2 weeks of hearing extra moaning.. Great!" Adrien said with a sarcastic tone as he walked ahead of them. The bluenette girl giggled, "Yes Lovely.." She followed the blonde with Alya and Nino following behind. They piled back in the car and headed back.

Once they arrived, they all threw their bookbags on the floor. "YAY!" Alya sighed and layed down in the couch, Nino chuckled and kissed his girlfriends lips, she grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him down, Marinette and Adrien both stood still, unable to move, as their friends kissed. "Okay I'm gonna go die." Marinette said slowly as she backed away into her bedroom. Adrien and Hers bedroom was right next to eachothers, their rooms connected with a door which was helpful sometimes. Meanwhile Alya and Nino's rooms were down the other hall, and same thing with them, their rooms connected, which was helpful in every wrong way. The blonde and Blunette teens ran into their rooms. They both sighed and went on their phones not knowing what else to do.

Marinette' S POV

Ever since I started college, Hawkmoth has slowed down on the akuams, last time I battled one was in February, which is strange. I still see chat sometimes, we are a lot closer then before, we go on pointless patrols just to talk. He told me he is trying to move on, it hurts a little since he has liked me since he was 14, which is the age he got his miraculous just like me, which turns out we are the same age, which is not too shocking. But back to the Point, it hurts, but I'm happy for him.

Meanwhile with me and adrien, we have gotten a lot closer which helped me slow down on my stuttering, last time I mixed up my words around him was in 11th grade, which is a while ago. Alya and Nino are both proud of me, and I'm proud of myself. Adrien and I flirt at times, we are both really good at it, which is shocking coming from two people elected to being the 'most innocent' in highschool, even rose wasn't voted because she had done things with juleka..

Adrien's Pov:

Once college started, people getting akumatized became less, me and LB both got time off, which is nice, but I still miss her. But don't get me wrong, we still patrol at times and talk now more then ever. I am moving on from her to another girl. No, it's not kagami, lila, or Chloe. It's actully Marinette. The closer I have gotten with her over the past 2 years, the more I realize how amazing she is, she's a lot more then a clumsy and an adorable girl, she's actually quiet wild and can be dirty at times. One time in October of last year, Alya forced us to play truth or strip, and Marinette got pretty wild, and once she took her shirt off, I forgot about all the girls in the world. So basically what I'm saying is I'm in love with my best friend, but.. Nino and Alya may or may not have spilled the beans to me that Marinette has been head over heels for me since 10th grade, so it's a win win for me. But she's a lot more then her body, she's a kind and caring girl, she has a lot of sass and attitude which is really hot. She'd caring to others and isn't afraid to prove her point. Okay now I sound weird.. But she probaly thinks the same about me, Nino told me so. But if I'm being completely honest, I have suspected she liked me ever since the time we went to New York in 10th grade, I just wasn't sure, but now..I am.

Skip to Dinner
3rd Person~

The four all say down at the dinning table, they had ordered Wendy's since non of them was in the mood to cook. As soon as Alya sat down with her food on her plate, Marinette began to talk. "So Alya and Nino, how much have you guys done it now? 47 times?" The young fashion designer said as she took a bight of her burger. "Oh shut up Mari.." Alya then smirked, "Its not like you don't wanna ride a pastific blonde." Alya said as she took a bite of a fry. Marinette and Adrien both started to cough like crazy. "W-what?" Marinette said, managing to only get out that one word. "What did you.. Just say Alya?" Adrien asked before he took a sip of water. "Oh come on Guys, it's not like you two don't wanna despreatly fuck eachother until sunrise." That sentence caused Adrien to spit out his drink a little and for Marinette to choke badly. Adrien began to pat her back while he wiped his mouth.

"Alya.. Can you maybe not do this while we're eating?" Nino asked as he took a bite out of his frosty. "Your right, they have to be alive to have sex" The young blogger stated it to casually it made Marinette and Adrien turn red, "Alya not now, maybe later.." Marinette spoke in a whisper. "Fine.." She rolled her eyes at the girl and continued to eat. "Okay but for real that door in yalls rooms could be useful.." Alya said quickly before eating her fries. "OH MY FUCKING GOD SHUT UP!!" The fashion designer shouted a little, and if adrien was honest, that turned him on. Don't ask how, but it did. "Okay! Damn! If your gonna yell.." Alya sunk down in her chair, "Virgins." She smirked as Marinette galred at the brunette. "Okay Mari.. Calm down.." Adrien said with a laugh. "Fine." Marinette sat back in her chair with her arms crossed.

After dinner~

"Okay guys who wants to watch some movies!" Alya said with a smirk, she sat down on the couch as everyone finished cleaning up. "What kind of Movies.." Nino asked as he walked twords the sofa. "Ones with some Sex in it. Marinette and Adrien could use some tips." Alya smirked and pointed the remote to the TV making it go on Netflix. (I don't watch Sex movies bc I find it kinds weird.. So I don't really know what any are or how much or little they actully show.. So uh 😃) Marinette and Adrien both turned to Alya," What?" Marinette asked, but it was too late, Alya had already turned one on.

OMFG okay this is the first chapter, this book isn't gonna get deleted, but I'm not promising chapters all the time bc ya know, school exists, but.. Since it's Tuesday I have all the days off of irl school until Monday, I just have online, so that give some more time to write. My teachers don't really hand out hw.. (Ik I'm lucky, they just think it's pointless since we already have enough to worry abt) but if they do I get it done in activy period,which is a free period at the end of the day.. So I can't make that excuse, my excuse is I'm tired and or I don't have the motivation... SOOOOO yeah ✌🏻

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