Chapter 11 "Freedom"

Start from the beginning

     I smile before I ask, "So what was the crash?"

     Harper laughs and says, "Lexa's guitar was on the floor, broken in half. She must have dropped it when she saw that Clarke was awake."

     I could see Lincoln doing the same, if he played the guitar. "So where is the family now?" I ask her.

     "Clarke saw her mom yawning and told everyone to go get some rest. She told them that she wasn't going anywhere." Harper says.

     "So everyone just left.?" I ask her.

     "Well not everyone. You know Lexa would never leave, but everyone else did." Harper says.

     "Yeah, I thought I was going to have to have security brought in, if Lexa didn't get some rest. Anyways, I better go check on them." I tell her, while walking to Clarke's room.

     I open the door to see Lexa fast asleep in the recliner, hand still holding onto Clarke's. I think that is the most peaceful look I have seen on her face ever. Clarke, herself is awake, just laying there watching Lexa sleep. However, when the door closes, a bit too loudly, Lexa jerks awake and Clarke turns to me. "Hello, Clarke. I am Dr. Blake. I was the one that performed your surgery." I tell her.

     Lexa puts the chair down and stands next to the bed. Clarke turns to me and says, "You were at the restaurant, with Lincoln and his family."

     It is not a question but a statement. "I was there. Lincoln is my fiance. It is a good thing I was there, or you wouldn't have made it to the ambulance." I tell her.

     I try to be very honest with my patients. Clarke glances over at Lexa before asking, "How bad was it? No one will tell me."

     I nod before saying, "That is probably for the best. I usually want to be able to tell the patient myself. I won't lie to you. It was bad. Your heart stopped three times. The bullet nicked your liver before embedding into your pelvic bone. A bone shard made a tear in your right ovary. I was able to repair both with minimal damage."

     She closes her eyes and I know she is trying to process it all. She knows more than most people do, with her mom being a surgeon. At one time she was also accepted into medical school. Finally she takes a deep breath and asks, "How long was I out?"

     "You were out for a week. After the first forty-eight hours, I knew you would make it." I tell her.

     Clarke turns to Lexa and says, "You should be in Vegas."

     Lexa takes Clarke's hand and kisses it, before saying, "I am where I am needed to be."

     Clarke looks like she is going to argue with Lexa, but instead she just sighs, "We can talk about that later."

     She then turns back to me and asks, "How long will I be here and much therapy will I need?"

     "I looked over your chart before I came in. You will be here at least another ten to fourteen days. As for therapy, with your injuries, it will take at least four to five months. Raven said something about Dr. Nyko. He is really the best in the area. He does remarkable work and so does his daughter Echo." I say.

     "I think that is something everyone in this room can agree on." Clarke says as she tries to stifle a yawn.

     "I can see you need more rest. It is my day off and I just wanted to check up on you. Get some rest and I will see you in the morning. Harper will be here for the night, if you need anything." I tell her.

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