Chapter Five - The Grangers

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Sirius held up a hand to stop him, "It's ok. You had no way of knowing and besides, it was six years ago, I doubt Harrison even remembers his parents."

"But you know them." Jean said, she gave Sirius a reassuring smile which he returned.

"I got Remus!" Harry announced, dragging the werewolf along with him.

"Hi, I'm Remus, Remus Black." He stuck his hand out.



They both shook his hand.

"Well, come on in." Sirius stepped aside, letting them walk in.

The adults were in the kitchen while Harry and Hermione were "playing" outside, the door outside was a sliding glass door so they were still being watched by their parents. Harry decided it would be a good idea to climb one of the trees, just so that it'd look like they were doing something incase someone looked out at them.

"Harry get down, you're gonna hurt yourself!" Hermione warned.

Harry scoffed, "Hermione, I've been up hundreds of feet higher on my broom and managed to stay on while it was being controlled by Quirll. I think I can climb a tree."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "So are you going to tell me about why you're here?"

Harry wrapped his legs around the branch and swung himself over, hanging upside down while looking at Hermione, "You first. I don't mean to be negative or anything but how do you remember me in the first place? I thought Death said he couldn't bring you back."

Hermione sighed, "He didn't. I waited for about three years in The Half Way Point before I was judged. When I finally was the council, don't ask," she added quickly when she saw Harry open his mouth to ask what the council was, "the council thought that I did good things in my life and even agreed that I would've gone on to do much more if I hadn't been wrongly murdered. They also took into account that I encouraged you to start over even when it meant that I would be stuck in the afterlife, alone, for eternity or fade away completely because you'd change the future, and they decided to do something special for me. They believed that I deserved a second chance so I was brought back into my three year old self with only my memories. Nothing else, unlike how you kept all of your magical abilities, stamina, stuff like that. You're a thirty-two year old in a seven year old's body. I'm a seven year old with a thirty-two year old's memories."

Harry dropped his hands so he was just hanging by his feet, "But you're still the same person right? It wasn't that just Hermione from this time received Hermione of the future's memories?"

Hermione shook her head, "No, it's really me Harry. Now it's your turn to explain."

"Explain what?" Harry asked, swinging himself back up and climbing to a higher branch.

"I mean, why isn't Sirius in Azkaban and why aren't you with the Dursleys, and since when are Sirius and Remus married?!"

"Well, I guess I'll just start from the beginning. Like Death had said, I was sent back to when I first inherited a Hallow, in other words, when my father died."


"It's ok, anyway, the whole thing with Voldemort goes down, I rebound his curse like I did last time, his souls breaks off and attaches itself to the nearest living thing, thus making me his Horcrux again, Snape finds me, brings me out to where Sirius is trying to get through the crowd that had formed-Did you know that the whole reason he went after Pettigrew in the first place was because Dumbledore had placed a compulsion on him to?! The old man had wanted me to get to the Dursleys the whole time!"

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