
𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

When I knock on the door multiple times it finally opens and it's like she knew I'd be here.

I've been patient enough.

I look down and see her having a gun in her hand. Her eyes roll and she puts the gun away.

My eyes rake down her body as in she's velvet shorts and a bralette.

"What are you doing here." She says crossing her arms and she's pissed it's all over her and she looks hot as well.

"Eyes up here Luca." She makes me snap out of my trance.

"Come home." I state. I know I didn't spend a flight to come here and not bring her back.

"I don't have a home." She says and tries closing the door but I place my hand stopping her.

"Yes you do. It's with me now please can we go."

"And leave her?" Holy fuck her obsession with a girl that's not even her blood.

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

"Take her holy fuck lets just leave this city. Before you kidnapped again." He screams.

"Yelling at me won't get you anywhere."

"You standing there half naked and trying to argue with me won't get you anywhere either."

"You killed my cousin. And her family to prove a point and scare me?" I ask.

"I gave you a choice."

"I'm your wife."

"And I'm your husband you still cheated on for over a month. You probably didn't even regret having another mans dick inside you every night."

Not every night.

"Okay let's act like I hadn't had to hear you fucking multiple other women since I was sixteen. You've probably been penetrating Leyah either way."

"No I haven't."

"I haven't cheated the whole time why don't you trust me?!"

"Because you're constantly lying to my face."

"For your own good!"

"Then tell me what that girl has against you?!" I pressure.

I think this runs deeper then just what's happened as a whole. The big picture is that we don't work. We have never been able to sit down as a couple and talk all our issues out and I think we're finally letting it all out on the table.

"You don't even understand that I keep things from you so it doesn't hurt you!"

"We're in an alliance Luca. It's hurting my mafia too if you keep lying. Why am I barely hearing how many enemies you have who clearly have came for me to bring you down! Do others hurting me not hurt you."

"Of course it does. But I'm not going to keep letting you live in this mansion when you are perfectly able to sleep in bed with me."

"I don't want to sleep in a bed with you. Have you even apologized?"

"Maybe if you pick up your phone or stop telling me to fuck off then ending the call in my face I will. I'm sorry I killed Marianna and her family. But I went to that club peaceful after founding out You're  ass is grinding over another man."

"You're seriously that jealous?"

"Well any man would be I love you."

"You don't love me Luca. I'm your only source of saneness and being near you drains me." I scream.

"Okay well I miss you. I'm going fucking crazy. You're suppose to be there for me."

"Do you realize how selfish you're being?I got raped you know. Multiple times."

"And you still got with a man who let it happen."

"Because unlike you he actually tried proving himself good and I had to kill him because once again you're a psychotic jealous husband who self centered and does nothing but hurt others. "

"That doesn't take away the face you were throwing ass everywhere." I'm never going to win.

"So you're hurt I got with another man?"

"Yes. Because im in love with you and you mean the world to me Odina. And even if I do try with you it's still never enough. Nothing is ever enough for you. I know I'm a horrible person but I can't help it...you're married to me. And I know I've cheated in the past but the least you can fucking do is not suck every mans dick who shows you the slightest bit of attention."

"Because at the end of the day I'm the Only man whose ever clouded your mind. Toxic or not you know so well that I can't be relaxed and the same way I can never look at another women I look at you. I'm sorry I killed part of your family. But I'm a mafia leader. You are too. Everything you do connects back to me. "

"You are so quick to judge yet will do everything but talk to me. You're a hypocrite Odina and it's pathetic because you constantly preach communication yet are the same girl who seeks validation from everyone else but her own fucking husband." He yells at me and he's not even mad. He's just frustrated and hurt.

"Because it seems that every other man is able to give me happiness other then you."

"No Odina. It's because you will always put weight the bad of me instead of the good. And to think for the first time you would be the only girl to actually see good in me but really you're like every other bitch."

"I do everything to protect your sensitive heart. Your mother was a slut. Your father is another liar and probably worse then me believe it or not. You're not perfect Odina. And nor am I. I'm just waiting for you to admit you're exactly like me."

"Dont do that." He moves away from me as I try taking his hand.

"You constantly play victim. And I'm sick of it. You almost forget that there are things that made this way but of course your self centered act would never ask me. You're so caught up in your world and forget you're the selfish one too." His eyes are watering and so am I.

"You can come home whenever you want. All your stuff is still there. No one will touch davina if that's what you're worried about." Is all he says before leaving.

I slowly close the door and when I turn around I see davina. I just feel my tears fall. I actually hurt him.

She just walks up to me and stares at me.

"Can you kneel" she asks.

"Davina really?"

"Please?" She says softly and I just do that as I'm keeping my tears but they keep falling. I kneel in front of her and am taken as her arms wrap around my neck hugging me. My eyebrows furrow.

"We can take care of each other you know?" She says and I just nod as I breakdown. I slowly wrap my arms around her back.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch."

"Don't cuss." I press clearly

"Sorry." Did she really think she can take this moment to use bad words already?

"I think you broke his heart." She's smiling I feel it.

"It's not funny davina." I whisper.

"Kind of."

"No tv two weeks." I whisper and she stays quiet probably regretting her words now.

author note: not Luca kind of being right....and yes he has every right to hurt as well. she cheated on him for over a month and fell for another man. and also thought he would be doing the same thing which was a myth. the argument was beyond her being gone. it was just about everything and for the first time he lets her know how he feels. tell me what you think.

davina is also hurting she liked Jason since he was good to Odina. And she does care for Odina a lot as well. But of course them leaving together will start to have arguments. She's a very smart girl. And a baddie in my opinion but she's stubborn...kind of like Luca?(hint) anyways...enough said....

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