The New Blond - 1

Start from the beginning

Naruto looked around and then he saw a girl with bright pink hair and he thought she looked pretty, he pointed at her and she stood up

"my name is Haruno Sakura, I wanted to ask you what are these whiskers on your face?"

his hand automatically jerked up and touched his cheek, she smiled a little, he returned her smile and said

"birthmarks, I used to hate them but now I think they make me more unique dattebayo"

she smiled again and sat down, he looked around the class and saw a guy with white eyes and no pupils 'that's interesting, he pointed at him and the guy stood up

"Hyuga Neji, why did you move from Suna?"

Naruto frowned for a second but quickly covered it up with a smile, looked down a little, and said

"my guardian needed to move here for work so I had to come too, but I don't regret it"

which was not a lie it's just not the whole truth, after that, Iruka instructed Naruto to sit next to Kiba, to which Naruto happily marched over to the Burnette and sat next to him, and with that, class started. the only thing Naruto didn't realize was that the raven (also known as Uchiha Sasuke) knew that he was hiding something, he felt a connection to the boy on a deeper level, 'this dobe knows pain' he thought.

Naruto was not the best student, but he always tries his best, that's why he participated in class, so he was very happy when the teacher pulled him aside after the bell rang and complimented him, he then went over to Kiba, and they walked together to their next class which was "GYM!!" Naruto was excited, he liked gym class, but then Kiba looked at him and smiled bitterly saying

"you like Gym? after this I don't think you will" Naruto was a little confused but shrugged it off 'maybe Kiba isn't the physical type' he thought... boy was he wrong. a few minutes later they arrived in the big wide hall that is Konoha High's gym and Naruto's jaw dropped in shock,

"THIS PLACE IS HUGE" Kiba looked at him and started laughing and between laughs, he said " the... smallest... out of them all" Naruto felt his jaw drop even more "THERE ARE MULTIPLE?!?!? AND THIS IS THE SMALLEST?! I MEAN, I KNEW THIS SCHOOL WAS BIG BUT THIS IS GINORMOUS" he was starting to yell at this point and people were looking at him, chuckling at the blonde, most of them thinking 'this is going to be an interesting year'.

at exactly 8:45 A.M. a tall person with a bowl cut, a weird green jumpsuit, and very thick, bushy eyebrows seemingly appeared out of nowhere and started yelling "MY YOUTHFUL STUDENTS, THANK YOU FOR BEING ON TIME, I WILL REWARD YOUR COMMITMENT, TODAY WE WILL DO 50 LAPS AROUND THE FIELD, GO! GO! GO!" Naruto could safely assume that this was the teacher and the cause of Kiba's pain, everyone groaned and were about to start when a boy, shorter than the teacher appeared from the crowd, and he looked like the younger version of the teacher, same clothes, haircut, and eyebrows "GAI-SENSEI THANK YOU FOR YOUR INSPIRING WORDS OF YOUTH, TO HONOR THE YOUTHFUL STUDENTS, I WILL DO 1000 PUSH-UPS AND IF I CAN'T, I WILL DO 1000 SIT-UPS!!!" everyone cringed, but not Naruto, he walked up to him and said "Uzumaki Naruto dattebayo, I will join you" everyone was very surprised especially Kiba but then the teacher, now known to Naruto as Gai-sensei said, "ANOTHER YOUTHFUL STUDENT, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! NOW EVERYONE LET'S START THE DAY WITH OUR YOUTHFUL ENERGY AND DO THE 50 LAPS C'MON GO!".

Naruto did his laps as quickly as possible with Gai-sensei's mini-me, so they can have time to do push-ups and sit-ups, after they were done with the laps Naruto took off his shirt because he was sweating a lot, and everyone started to stare, not only is this kid so cute, but he is also incredibly hot, his abs were toned and his tan skin was covered in sweat, the girls started to drool and the guys just stared, then he asked Gai-sensei's mini-me for his name "ROCK LEE" he shouted excitedly, then they did the push-ups and sit-ups with ease, Naruto then stood up and put his shirt back on. for the rest of gym class, they were playing Basketball and Naruto played with admirable teamwork.

around 9:20 A.M. Gai-sensei dismissed them so they have time to shower, and so Naruto said "it was nice meeting you, Lee" and Lee smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up and said "YOU TOO, NARUTO" and with that Naruto was off to the showers, he entered the boy's changing room and headed for the showers, and thinking that he was alone he started talking to himself "that was a good class and people here are really nice dattebayo..." he mumbled as he was getting undressed. and right at that moment, a certain raven said "why are you mumbling to yourself, Dobe?" Naruto jumped from surprise and thanked his luck that he was still in his boxers, "u- um... I- I was just.." Naruto mentally facepalmed 'why am I stuttering like that' the Uchiha looked at him, confused, just said "hn" and walked out.

Naruto sighed and quickly got into the shower and took a cold one to refresh himself, got out and got dressed quickly, he looked at his schedule 'math.. great, my least favorite subject' he headed to math class as the bell rang at exactly 10:30 A.M. he started to run 'UGHH this school is huge I'm never going to be there on time, JUST GREAT', he finally found it, but he was 15 minutes late 'my first day and I'm late, way to make an impression Naruto' he scolded himself and slowly slid the door open to find the teacher's desk empty, he was shocked, he looked at his watch, and it read 10:45 A.M. he was confused... but then heard a familiar voice "Naruto, over here" he turned around to see Kiba signaling for him to come and sit next to him, he walked over and sat next to Kiba, and asked, "am I early or is the teacher late?" Kiba snickered and said "Kakashi-sensei is ALWAYS late, lucky you," he said and Naruto sighed in relief and started chatting with Kiba, 10:50 A.M. the door slides open and a man with silver/white hair, an eye patch, and a mask walked in, 'Kakashi-sensei' Naruto thought.

"Pardon me for being late, I was lost on the road of life," he said. Naruto was now confused, he looked at Kiba, Kiba said "he always says that" and Naruto nodded and chuckled a little.

the class was over quickly, I mean, they did lose 20 minutes, and Naruto was happy for a lunch break, he was determined to make a lot of friends, and he was also very hungry, having skipped breakfast this morning.

I finished the first chapter I am so excited, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes I tried my best, hope you enjoyed it, I will try to update as frequently as possible :)

word count chapter 1: 1875


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