1. A Simple Favor

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I sighed as I stretched my arms over my head, leaning back against the chair while my scratchy eyes roamed the countless dusty tomes that inhabited the Hogwarts Library. It was late on a Friday night yet several of the tables were aglow with soft light as fellow students bent over their work. I'd chosen my table carefully so that I could keep an eye on the clock above Madam Pince's desk but also be out of earshot of everyone else.

I glanced quickly at the clock and winced, I've been so absorbed in my work that I missed dinner again. I smiled to myself anyway as I arranged the rolls of parchment around me, I was nearly finished with all of my work. Having survived my first week of N.E.W.T. classes, I was extremely proud to have a firm grasp on my work. I could tell just from the first few lessons that this year would be my hardest yet but I welcomed the challenge with something close to academic relish.

I stretched again before sorting through everything I have already finished and what I didn't need anymore. The only thing I had left was an essay on Golpott's Third Law for potions. I carefully placed everything neatly in my messenger bag so that nothing would get wrinkled or squished. I flipped my copy of Advanced Potion Making open and briefly read through the preface and introduction. I loved Potions almost as much as I loved Transfiguration.

My concentration was broken sometime later when a bowlful of steamed vegetables with a giant buttered roll, still steaming, was set in the space before me. I looked at it suspiciously until I followed the darkly clad arm still attached to it up to a chest proudly wearing a 'Prefect' badge. I only felt more relieved when I saw the blue and bronze tie peeking out of the dark robes.

"You missed dinner," He said, his voice deeper than I remembered from previous years, but no less kind. I nodded my head, my attention solely for the food as my stomach growled. "Figured I'd find you in here." He remarked nonchalantly as he pulled his arm back and stuck his hand in his pockets.

"Thank you Namjoon." I answered, finally setting aside my book and parchment as I pulled the bowl closer to me. Strictly speaking we weren't supposed to have food in the library but I suspected Madam Pince was busy with something else and I should eat quickly if I didn't want to end up in detention. "What brings you here?" I asked after finishing my first bite and realizing he hadn't gone.

"I have a favor to ask of you." He spoke shyly and I nearly looked at him, forgetting years of careful practice to avoid eye contact.

I was glad I hadn't had food in my mouth. "What is that?" I wondered. Namjoon rarely asked me for anything, usually something small if he did, but as he was the only one that spoke to me without ire or mocking concern, I was always willing to help.

I raised my eyes just enough to see his shoulder as he nervously scratched the back of his head. If I didn't already know he had a girlfriend I might have believed he was going to confess his feelings. Not that I believed he had any for me, but my heart could dream.

"Could you tutor my friend?" He asked, his voice finally rushing out of him in a puff.

I felt shock register over my face as I quickly looked down, stuffing more food in my mouth to avoid answering. My little crush on Namjoon meant that I was usually up for anything he asked of me, but this was something different. "Why?" I wondered, curious if Namjoon had finally succumbed to peer pressure and was going to make a target of me. I didn't have the best reputation amongst my fellow students and even talking to me was viewed as something of a taboo.

Namjoon sighed and sat down heavily in the chair across from me. His elbow came to rest on the dark wood and I saw as his head fell into his hands. I frowned, worried that somehow asking him to explain himself was crossing a line I didn't know existed before. "He needs it." He said after a moment, not looking up.

Read my heart, not my mindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora