CH. 22| Desires cont'd

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I woke up in the hospital of course. Sincere must've called the ambulance. That's the least he could do. My nurse walked in the room and she shook her head.

"You know I'm tired of seeing you up here right ? Is everything okay at home ? You can tell me now. I'm here for you. "She bombarded me with questions.

"Everything is fine. I just fainted from having a panic attack. "I told her.

"Well you need to be careful Reign. You're carrying a child now, you can't be stressing yourself out or getting worked up over things. "She said.

"Thanks for your concern. "I said to her.

"You're welcome. Sign these so you can go. "

She handed me the discharge papers then I signed them. Afterwards, she let my bed down so that I could go. I went to the desk that be like in the middle of the hallway.

"Hi is there a Dayvon Bennett here ?" I asked her.

She started typing on her computer then she pulled up his room.

"Down the hall on the right. Last door. "She said.

Before I went to Von room I stopped at the vending machine. I got some veggie straws with a bottle of water. I gotta eat healthy for the baby. They better like this shit. I got Von a bag of hot chips and a Sprite.

I walked into his room and he was sitting up in bed with his head bandaged up. I started laughing. Like I don't even know why,  it was just funny to me.

"The fuck is funny?" He asked getting an attitude with me already.

"You. "I laughed again.

"Whatever. Why you here?" He asked me.

"Why you been so mean to me? I haven't did shit to you. "I genuinely wanted to know.

"Honestly , I had a dream you cheated on me and I receiving all these signs like those messages and then he shows up. He look just like the nigga from my dream. "He explained.

"Boy I oughta slap that bandage off your damn head. You been cursing me out and shit over a dream. A dream. Really Von? I can't believe you. "I said to him. I sat at the foot of his bed. He motioned for me to come to his end so I laid beside him.

"But I still love you though. "He said then kissed my forehead. "So what do you want, a boy or girl?" He asked me.

"I kinda want a son. "I told him.

"I was thinking the same thing but if we don't get a boy, we can always work on a girl. "He said.

"You must be the one having the baby cause I'm not stretching my pussy twice. "I said to him.

"Reign it's gone go back to regular size. "

"So. I don't care. We only having one like I said. "I told him.

"Well somebody else will have my baby then. "He said. I smacked his ass so hard he grabbed his head.

"Fuckkkkkk!" He held onto his head like he had a headache. "Reign I swear to God I'm gone beat yo ass. Please move. "He said.

"Sure. I'll politely move, move the fuck on from your ass. "I said then I grabbed my stuff and left.


I was at home laying in my bed then my brother came in and sat in my chair.

"What do you want? "I asked him.

"You know that girl house you been going to. "

"Yeah what about her?"I asked him.

His lips curled into a smirk. "Her boyfriend is a target for me. I need you. "

"Leave her out of it. Besides they're not even together anymore. Plus she's pregnant. "I told him.

"Oh so he has a kid on the way. "He nodded his head and rubbed his chin as if he had something up his sleeve.

"Jamir don't do nothing stupid. She's innocent. "I told him.

"Shut the fuck up with all that soft ass shit. Damn mama raised a pussy. "He snapped at me.

I was like my brothers at all. They were all about that street life. Me, I did what I had to do whenever it needed to be done. Not just to be doing it. Jamir wanted to be on top, no matter who he had to known down to get there.

"So you the one who been harassing her huh. Sending her flowers and shit. "

"You guessed it little brother. And she's going to be receiving a lot more than that until my mission is complete. "He walked out of my room.

I didn't know what to do. I loved my brothers but I hated the shit they did, especially when it involved innocent people. I wanted to protect her but how could I do that without betraying my brothers.

I just chill off her for a while until they cool down so he won't expect me to do no dirty work for him.

I know it was short 💔 lol

Yall gone hate me for what's gonna happen in these next few chapters 😭

But I promise it's worth it.

Also follow me on insta xoaliciainsta...I follow back 💕

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