CH. 8| Crazy Story 2 cont'd

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"Uh I need you to start speaking like now. Who the fuck is that bitch?"I asked him again. I tapped his forehead with the tip of my glock. He just started laughing at me like I was playing with his ass so I slapped him with it. I bet his ass straightened up then.

"Girl look for yourself. I ain't cheating on your crazy ass. I'm putting my life in danger if I did that. Here call the number. "He said sliding his phone to me. He unlocked it for me and I called the number. The phone rung for a bit then it went to voicemail.

"Imma call two more times and if they don't answer, we both gone be on crutches. "I told him. I called the number again and it went to voicemail again. I looked at him and nodded my head. Von seemed a little tensed because he knew I wasn't playing with him.

"Go ahead. Make the last call. "He said.

"Don't rush me. Imma give it five minutes. That's five extra minutes that you get to live. "I told him. I laid my glock on my nightstand. Von watched my every move. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I knew he was plotting. I grabbed my phone from off the charger and set a timer for five minutes.

For five minutes straight, we sat in silence until my timer went off. I blew my breath. God please don't let me have to kill this man tonight. Lord please let whoever this is on the other end of the phone answer. If not it must be in your plans to come get him tonight. Amen.

"I just prayed for you. "I said to him then I picked up his phone. I called the number again and put it on voicemail so that he could hear. Before the automatic system even got to their second word, Von had me pinned down to the bed.

"Get your ass off me Von. Foreal!" I yelled at him. I bit at his arms but I couldn't reach them.

"Girl calm your crazy ass down. "He said. He started kissing on my neck. "Baby I promise I don't know who that is. "He whispered in my ear. I eventually calmed down and he got off me but he made sure he took my glock off the nightstand.

"Von please don't be lying to me because I would really hurt you. Like deadass. I don't play that. "I told him. No lie I was still pissed but maybe I was just pushing it.

"Ma I'm not lying to you. I would never do that to you. It'd be a waste of both of our time. "He said. We was hugged up in the middle of the bed.

"I hope so. "I said to him.

"Its just wild to me that I haven't even given you the dick yet and you acting this crazy. Imagine when you get it how you gone act. Cause I got that toxic dick. It'll make you come running back without even leaving. "We both laughed.

"Well only time will tell. "I shrugged. "Do you want kids?"

"I was thinking two but I really don't know. My life ain't cut for kids. I'll have to be out the game for good before that happens. I wouldn't want my kids to grow up fatherless and I would be so hurt if one of my kids were killed because of me. I'm risking it all with you. "He explained to me.

There was silence between us. I didn't know what to think or even feel. Everything he said was correct and if the time came, I'd just have to accept the fact that he's just not here anymore.

"But if it happens, just know I'll be the best father that I can be. I'll be the best boyfriend and protector that I can be. "He continued.

His phone started ringing and it was the unknown number.

"Hello?" He said and he put it on speaker phone.

"Baby where are you? I miss you. "A girl said into the phone. I punched Von dead in his face. The phone dropped onto the bed and he grabbed his face. Both his nose and his top lip were busted.

"Hello? Antonio are you still there ?" She said. Who the fuck is Antonio ? "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I have the wrong number.  "She said then she hung up. Von back handed me and my head snapped to the other side. I didn't even fight back this time because I was wrong.

I just got under the covers and went to sleep. He came back from the bathroom, I guess from cleaning up his face then got in bed with me.

"I'm sorry baby. "I said to him then I kissed his lips. "Mhmmm go to sleep. "He said.

I want to thank you all once again for all the support ❤ it motivates me to continue writing this story.

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