Air walked into his living room.  He went straight to the window and looked at the big house.  He put his hand over his mouth to quiet his sudden gasp.  Last night wasn't a horrible dream.  The charred rafters of Chester's home were proof of that.

Air's next move was to find out where everyone was.  Before he had the chance to take a single step,  Chess closed his arms around Air from behind,  gently and with the softest touch.

Chess didn't ask how Air was.  He didn't mention the fire or Pool.  He said:  "Thank you, Air,  for saving my life."

To Chester's great surprise,  Air didn't say much.  He let Chess hold him, and his head fell back on Chess's chest.  "We got out in the nick of time."

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Sky made the biggest move of his life,  and he did it because he could feel Khemp slipping away.  He kept trying to say what he needed to,  but little Joe and Del were a handful.  It wasn't until the boys started getting hungry and they were on the way back to the farm,  that Sky found both the opportunity and the nerve.  

As soon as the farm drive was visible,  Del and Joe ran ahead.  
"Khemp,  I'm going to tell you something,  whether you want to hear it or not."

Sky slowed right down, he stopped and faced Khemp.  "You know I like you Khemp.  It's true I've never come out and said the words,  but you know that I've liked you for a long time."

Sky had his hands in his pockets.  His arms were straight and he twisted nervously from side to side.  He did his best to maintain eye contact, but most of the time he was looking at the string that tied Khemp's shorts.

Khemp was not surprised.  If anything,  he was waiting for this discussion.

Sky was one year older than Khemp and it just so happens that they started work on the farm the same day.  In fact,  they rode in the back of the same van from Chiang Mai and they were assigned to share the same room.

Khemp looked up to Sky,  he still does today.  Sky was gregarious and made fast friends with everyone,  including people in the village.  He pulled his weight and all of the staff liked him.  

Khemp felt the same as everyone else.  Sky was suave and had movie-star looks.  When he turned his charm on Khemp,  Khemp was done for.  Within three months of being there,  they slept together.  Sky took Khemp's virginity.

It was wonderful for Sky,  he'd fallen hard for his new work/housemate.  He was ready to dedicate everything to Khemp's care.
Sky thought Khemp was the ideal man and everything about him was so natural.  His black hair had never been dyed,  his body had no tattoos.  Khemp had no piercings or scars,  no moles or birthmarks.  Sky used to tease him that he was made from plastic.

Khemp was a much more timid person and kept mostly to himself.  Any of the other farmworkers that Khemp met,  he did so through Sky.

Between the pair, there had been no talk of boyfriends or of making themselves officially a couple.  Sky had the feeling that Khemp was new to these things, and he sensed his new bed-friend wanted to be with others before settling down and choosing just one. 

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