Truth cannot be hidden

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 Nazli PoV

Despite the uncomfortable couch, I felt restful and relaxed. Last night we confessed about our feelings and I didn't have any more doubts about Ferit . I felt Happy and elated. When I opened my eyes , I found myself resting on Ferits naked chest. I could hear his steady heartbeat. I gently raised my head to peek at him. He was still blissfully asleep. His face was so calm. I had never seen such a handsome man before him. He had such a loving heart and he gave himself fully to those he cared for and loved. I thought myself to be one of those lucky few. How could such a beautiful man fall for someone like me I wondered. I moved my hand slowly towards his chest feeling him all the way. I then kissed his bare chest drawing small circles with my hands. He stirred a little and I gently moved my hand towards his face. I started to  caress his face. I liked the feel of his beard and started tracing my index finger on his brows, forehead , eyes and chin. His face broke into a smile when I did that. 

" Did I wake you up dear? Or were you pretending to be asleep" I asked. 

"I was enjoying your touch baby". He said opening his eyes and showing his beautiful dimples. I could'nt help  but melt  in his arms and tried to give him a quick kiss on his lips. The moment my lip touched his , he deepened the kiss taking me by surprise and he held me tighter. I was lost again.

I was arranging the blankets and the pillows when Ferit came from behind and suddenly pulled me to his lap." I just wanted to clear the mess we made yesterday and leave the room as we found it". I said blushing. 

He kissed my nose and said " It was the most memorable night. You have no idea how I felt when you left. I can't live without you Nazli". I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

"I am sorry Ferit. I will never leave you". I promised.

After we cleared the trash , we left the hut and made our way to the car. The route didn't look that confusing in the morning light and it was quite easy to find our way . I picked up some more mushrooms too. It was quite a fun chasing each other in the woods. It was nice to see Ferit that care free for a change. He would not leave my side and would take every opportunity to kiss me. I was basking in his attention and didn't feel ready to go back to reality. Who knew what was awaiting us back there in the city. I pushed all these thoughts behind and enjoyed the moment.

Ferit PoV

We found a pretty good restaurant by the lake side where we decided to have some food. We took a corner table and the view from there was beautiful  but not as astounding  as my wife looking at me with love and smile on her face which was somewhat blushed. I smiled thinking I have been really lucky to meet Nazli. She has been godsend in my dreary life and I would do anything for her and keep her safe. Suddenly the thought of someone harming her made me uneasy. My mind went back to the freezer incident . It gave me the chills to think I could have lost her that day. I was close to finding some information about that. I havn't said anything about it to Nazli but once I have all the proofs I would tell her everything. She noticed the change in my mood . "What are you worrying about Ferit? As long as we are together we should be fine." She said holding my hands. I pulled her hands towards my lips and kissed them. "You are the love of my life. You and Bulut are the most precious gifts I have in my life. I will do everything to protect you. Just let me do that ok for my sake".  

"You are such a romantic, Ferit. I never thought you had it in you." She giggled and I found myself laughing back.

We were enjoying our food when I got interrupted by a call from Mrs Ikbal. 

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Ferit. I have some important information for you. We were able to get some details on the background checks you asked us to do and also were able to obtain medical records as you wanted." She said.  

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