The Final Custody

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1 Week later

Ferit POV

Today is the day we all have been waiting for so long. I hope that everything will be in our favour this time. My lawyers are confident that we will get the custody of Bulut given all the circumstances. My only concern is Deniz . I hope he doesnt go against his better judgement. He somehow seem to have some distrust in my relationship with Nazli, even when she cleared it with him that he is nothing more than a friend to her and both of us are in love with each other.

Nazli and I are waiting inside the courtroom. Bulut has not yet arrived with Demet and Hakan. There is not much time left for the session to begin. Nazli is firmly holding my hand and looks a bit pale. "We will get him this time, love. I promise" I whisper in her ears and give a quick peck on her cheeks. "I know,  it just feels like waiting for exam results, so feeling nervous" she nods and holds my hands tighter.

The judge has arrived and commenced the session. My lawyer has presented all the evidences and arguments and now the judge has called Bulut.

"Do you want to live with your maternal uncle and Aunt, Bulut?" The judge asks.

"Yes. I love my uncle and Nazli and we have fun together".

"Do you not love your Demet aunt and uncle?" The judge asks again.

Bulut looks down a little and says ," I also like Demet aunt. She buys me a lot of toys. But I don't feel at home there. I miss my uncle. I feel at home at his house. Also Nazli cooks for me delicious food. Hakan uncle told me if I stay with them, he will let me drive. But I can drive with my uncle too, right?" He looks back at me and I shake my head.

He continues " Ok no problem. Still I want to live with uncle and Nazli".

The judge nods and seems satisfied with the answers. I am feeling elated and confident that we are in favour of this decision. The judge is noting down and seems ready to give his judgement when suddenly the door bursts open and Deniz enters. " I want to give my statement" He says to the judge.

"This is a courtroom and one cannot just enter and give statement." The judge says sternly.

"Am sorry Judge. I am Deniz Kaya, paternal uncle of Bulut. I am close to both the contending parties and I hope my statement would help to make a correct judgement".

" Your honour, please grant Mr. Deniz permission to give his testimony ." Demet's lawyer pleads.

"Ok, keeping in mind the sensitivity of this case, I will grant permission this time but will not entertain such last minute requests in future. We will take 15 mins break and resume the session". The judge stands adjourning the session.

Nazli and I look at each other with this unexpected turn of events. Deniz and I have not been in the best of terms lately but still I consider him to be my brother. We are so close to winning and I cannot let him mess with anything. Nazli squeezes my hand and I can feel her uneasiness too.

"Deniz, don't do anything that you will regret later", I tell him. "Please remember whatever we are doing is for Bulut .Just think about him before anything."

" I don't need you telling me what to do". Deniz retorts. " Bulut is my nephew  and the last living connection to my brother. I think about him too you know. So don't act like you can control everyone's life". 

He goes towards Demet and Hakan when the latter called him, leaving me stunned and seething with anger at his last comments. "I hope he will not do anything stupid" Nazli comes from behind and holds my hands. I can only nod in response.

Nazli POV

The break is over and we have all settled in our respective places inside the courtroom. Ferit is very quiet after his chat with Deniz. He looked very angry and hurt and I can feel he is tensed about the whole situation. The judge had arrived and we all rise.

" Mr. Deniz Kaya, please come forward". He announced.

"Please proceed with your statement" . The judge asks him to continue.

" Demet and Hakan have a long term marriage. I agree they may quarrel sometime, but which couple doesn't? But for Bulut they try to be better parents." He says.

" So, do you mean that Nazli and Ferit are not fit to be his parents?" The judge asks.

Deniz doesn't respond immediately to the question.

" Do you know anything about their relationship which may change the course of this decision?" He asks again.

Deniz turns back looking at Bulut and us. I can understand what he must be thinking. He still doesn't believe or trust our decision to get married. I agree we had initially planned for a fake marriage but that is long forgotten. Ferit and I really love each other and this is a real relationship. We are not playing with anybody's lives. Our eyes meet and a silently try to communicate to him to understand. He drops my gaze and looks back at Bulut. At this point Bulut runs towards us and sits between Ferit and me.

" I think Nazli and Ferit will also be great parents to Bulut". Deniz says and both Ferit and I breathe a sigh of relief.

" Considering all the evidences and testimonies, this court decides to give the Custody of Bulut Kaya to Mr. and Mrs. Ferit Aslan". The judge announces and we erupt with joy. Finally, we will be able to take Bulut with us. We hug each other and kiss Bulut. He is also extremely happy and jumps with excitement. It is such a relief that we won't have to worry about Bulut being away from us and in that environment anymore. 

We make our way outside the court , where Hakan and Demet are already waiting. Deniz is no where to be seen. He must have left already. " Come here big boss". Hakan calls Bulut.

" We will miss you darling". Demet says with tears eyes." Don't worry aunt, I will come to visit you sometimes. You can also visit me sometimes". She hugs him and smiles.

" Come on Bulut, we need to go now" Ferit calls him and Bulut runs towards his uncle. 

"So what you win this time Ferit Aslan. Don't be too happy about it. This is not the end." Hakan says sneering at Ferit. Ferit just stares at him, his anger palpable but doesn't respond to him. He opens the door for me and Bulut to enter. He goes around and takes a seat and starts the car, leaving a very angry and a disgusting man behind.

The way Hakan warned Ferit made me shiver. There is something about that man that makes my skin crawl. Although I trust Ferit to take care of all the problems, but still I can't help the lingering fear inside me. " Yeaahh.. we are together now" Bulut screams and my reverie is broken. We are all smiling and glowing with happiness. " Yes my dear Bulut, we will always be together from now on",  I tell him. I thank God silently for this gift of family he has given me. Hope that we remain together and tackle any situation that future has for us. For now, I am just happy to be together.

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