His Maid & Butler, Wedding

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It didn't take long for half the men in the room to be drunk. Stolas, Sebastian, Lucian, and sort of Ciel were the only ones not too drunk. Tanaka had only one drink and passed out. The three super naturals were chuckling a bit at the slightly drunken lord as he wobbled a bit on his feet. "This is why I don't usually let him drink." Sebastian chuckled, watching as Ciel leaned heavily on his pool stick. Lucian hummed, "Humans are quite weak.  Especially when it comes to substances." Stolas sat back in one of the chairs with a sigh, "So after the wedding brother, what do you plan to do next?" Sebastian smirked, "Simple. We will remain here to finish the contract and then I will fulfill my promise, travel the world with her. Then when we run out of places to explore, we'll return to hell for a few hundred or thousand years." Stolas nodded, "Yes. But I meant more will I ever be an uncle?" Sebastian stopped and glanced at him, "Are you serious?" He asked, "Stolas- you have a mate, why don't you just get her into bed and get yourself a demon child." Stolas sighed, "Vermilla isn't fond of children, she thinks they are a nuisance. She'd much rather enjoy her life than spend it parenting a demon child." Sebastian nodded and took a sip of his wine, something that Stolas had pulled out of hell. "One day, maybe." Sebastian answered, "Though in all honesty, it would be either an accident or to keep Angelica happy. Seeing her miserable is something I won't stand by and watch." Stolas sipped his own wine, "The clan will expect it's head to have an heir at some point. If you never produce, well, its safe to say someone will try and take your place." Sebastian whipped his gaze to his brother, crimson eyes glowing with a soft warning, "Is that a threat, Stolas?" Stolas smirked, "No, of course not Lord. Just a promise. Someone will, if not you or me, perhaps when Ilia finds her mate she'll become the Lady Of Desideriis." Sebastian scoffed, "I certainly hope you jest. Ilia as the family head would be beyond hellish. Now, let us finish our game before we have to drag these humans to their beds."

The next morning was slightly chaotic, but overall things went smoothly. Both bride and groom were dressed, as was the others. There were small, minimal problems. Such as Sebastian last minute deciding to make Lucian his best man, and Ciel the ring bearer. Lady Elizabeth was Aurora's maid of honor, and things went surprisingly well. Who am I kidding, it went... decently.


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Lucia Magne was tapping her foot impatiently, "This is going to be interesting. To say the least." Nammah hummed in response beside her, "Indeed, I never thought you would make the wedding venue in a garden. I was hoping more hellish." Lucia looked over, "What are you talking about? The garden is full of asphodels and red roses. And literally overlooking a cliff called, Devil's Edge. How is that not hellish? If someone falls off the cliff they get impaled by pointy rocks!" Nammah nodded slowly, "I suppose you make a good point. It's a good symbolism, both heaven and hell. Reminds me of how Lilith spoke of Eden." Lucia huffed, "I should hope so. I had a devil of a time arranging for a priest to actually come out here. And one with a decent amount of sin under his belt nonetheless." Nammah's eyes flashed at that, "Oh? A present for the bride and groom?" Lucia hummed, "I decided to at least give Angelica a chance to devour a soul. If she doesn't wish for it I'm sure you or one of your fledglings will gladly indulge." Nammah licked her lips. "I could go for a snack. I haven't eaten in some time." Lucia glanced back to where the men were at the altar, preparing for the wedding. "Which one would you like to take? Malphas or Angelica?" Nammah hummed, "I'll take my future daughter in law. I shall meet you back by the priest when we are ready to begin?" Lucia gave her a nod. "Yes. Absolutely."

Elizabeth was almost in tears as she looked at Aurora in her wedding gown, "Oh Aurora! You look so pretty! I hope one day I can look like you!" Aurora laughed, "Lady Elizabeth, I assure you that your wedding day will be ten times as amazing as mine. I'll make sure of it." Elizabeth hugged her, "I told you! Call me Lizzie!" Ilia and Amara walked in, "Are you ready?" Ilia was bouncing, her dark hair in long curls, her bright red eyes bright. "Oh my gosh- I'm so excited! Please tell me your ready?!" Aurora laughed, "Yes. Yes, I'm ready. Would you bring Lucian over? I wanted to ask him if he would walk me down the aisle." Amara smiled and gave her a nod, "Of course." Amara left and Ilia sighed looking at Aurora. "Oh I can't wait for the day I get married. Assuming I do." Aurora looked at her, "I'm sure you'll find someone, Ilia. I've no doubt." Ilia hummed, "Mother wants to speak to you by the way, be careful." Aurora blinked, "Oh? Yes of course, that's fine. Send her in." Nammah entered and Ilia summoned Lizzie over. The young girl quickly joined the older woman and left the bridal tent. Nammah eyed the blonde haired silver blue eyed angel. "I must admit, I was worried my son was making a mistake. But I can see he is truly happy with you. It makes me wish we had never pressed him to marry Lilli." Aurora smiled, "I'm glad your not angry with us. I know its an unusual romance." Nammah chuckled, "My dear, that demon has been pining for you for centuries. Are you familiar with the human tale Romeo and Juliet?" Aurora nodded, "A bit, yes. Why?" Nammah smirked, "Malphas met the creator on a contract. The man wanted to be able to in a form live forever with his wife. Malphas was upset on the anniversary of the day you were supposed to meet, and told him the tale. And such a story gave the man inspiration." Aurora gaped, "No way!" Nammah chuckled, "Oh he did, and I believe he might have a personal copy lying around in his library. When we get to hell be sure to look for it." Aurora smiled, "I will. It definitely sounds interesting." Nammah smiled and held out a small black box, tied with a crimson bow. "Here." Aurora looked a bit confused, but opened it to reveal a pretty golden locket, studded with dark red diamonds. "This is the necklace of the Lady of Desideriis. Each new lady is to wear it on her wedding day and for their reign." Aurora looked at it with wide eyes, "It's beautiful." Nammah smiled, "It would be wonderful if you could wear it." Aurora nodded and put it on, "Yes, yes of course! Thank you, Lady Nammah." Nammah smiled, "You needn't address me by titles. We are going to be family after today." Aurora smiled, "Thank you. It means a lot." Nammah smiled, "I'll leave you to speak with your friend." Aurora watched her leave then smiled widely as Lucian entered. "Wow! Don't you look like the pretty picture!" Aurora giggled, "Thank you, Lucian. I wanted to ask you something." Lucian smiled, "Of course, anything." Aurora looked up at him, "I wanted to ask you to walk me down the aisle. Considering my father... cannot." Lucian looked as though he might cry. "I- I would love to." He choked, wiping his eyes. Aurora smirked teasingly, "Are you crying? Lucian Umbre, crying? I never thought I'd see the day." Lucian laughed, "Oh your enjoying this aren't you?" Aurora laughed and linked her arm with his, "Oh absolutely. Now, I'm ready to get married."

Ciel was watching his butler fidgeting. "Stop fidgeting," the boy said, "Your going to be fine." Sebastian hissed, "I'd like to see you try and remain completely calm on your wedding day." Ciel hummed, "Well with you around, perhaps I won't have to find out." A demonic smirk crossed the butler's face, "I'll be sure to hold out on devouring your soul for as long as possible then, my lord. I do hope to see you marry the Lady Elizabeth. Then we'll see who's fidgeting." Ciel scoffed and stood tall as the wedding began. He glanced over at Sebastian, the demon's eyes were sparked with what look to be love, Ciel wasn't completely sure- he'd seen that look on his father's face too often when the former Earl had seen Rachel Phantomhive walk into the room, gracing it with her presence. Ciel watched as Aurora entered the wedding area, her eyes were on Sebastian's, Ciel's gaze soon fell on Lizzie, wondering if their wedding would be like this, or would it ever come close to that. Lizzie met his cerulean gaze and smiled sweetly. Ciel blushed and found himself fidgeting a bit. Sebastian and Stolas chuckled quietly from where they stood. Lucian handed Aurora off to Sebastian, and shot him a look. "I'm entrusting her to your care now, Michaelis. Take good care of her." Sebastian smiled, "I'd like nothing more." 

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