Chapter Twelve: Dancing With The Devil

Start from the beginning

“Nice to see you again Prince…seems like you and Sun finally reunited.” He replied with a smirk.

It was Ray.

“Ray? Is it really you? Man, I haven’t seen you in years!” I asked in disbelief, I felt tempted to run over and hug him as well but the intimidating look in his eyes notified me to not.

Ray chuckled and rolled his eyes cockily before answering in annoyance, “And who’d fault is that?”

His response shocked me and I saw Sun shift awkwardly beside me. Ray turned his dark look from me and glared down at her. His stern look broke into a grin and he glanced back at me.

“So what you think of Sun’s performance Prince? Mesmerizing isn’t it?” Ray teased between laughter. I looked down at Sun beside me as she glared down at the floor.

“Well she won’t be dancing for much longer!” I cut in angrily, pulling Sun towards me. Ray’s eyes shot lasers into mine as he witnessed me shield Sun away from him.

“So what? You thought you could just come and take my prize away?” Ray challenged with a twisted grin.

“Moon come.” Ray beckoned with his hand. Sun pulled away from me slightly and looked up at me helplessly before inching towards Ray. Ray grew frustrated with how slow Sun were moving and yanked her over by the arm, causing her to let out a small yelp.

“Hey! Don’t fucking touch her!” I shouted. The moment that slipped from my lips it seemed everything in the room grew entirely silent.

Ray reached behind in his pants pocket and pulled out a pistol, pointing it straight in my direction before answering, “Or else what Prince? What the fuck are you gonna do…Diggy ain’t here to stop me from blowing your fucking brains out this time!”

I stepped back and glared at Ray evilly as Ray took small steps toward me with the gun still pointing straight in my face. Sun suddenly ran over and grabbed Ray by the arms, forcing him to stop dead in his tracks.

“Please, please just let him go! I’ll make sure I never see him again Ray…please just let him go!” Sun begged, still clinging onto his arms. The guards standing at the entrance of the room ran over and began to pull Sun away from confrontation but Ray stopped them by lifting up his arm.

“Nah instead of taking her out, take this nigga out!” Ray said pointing at me. The guards quickly dropped Sun on her knees with tears and makeup staining her face and came charging towards me instead. Two guards roughly grabbed me by the arms, twisting them behind my back painfully as Ray approached me. By now his gun was placed back inside his jeans and he was standing inches from me while he spoke silently,

“The only reason why your blood isn’t splattered all over this goddamn floor is because it’s your birthday…but don’t ever come near me, Sun, or this fucking club…ever again. Next time you won’t be so lucky.”

My breathing was heavy and uneven as I stared into Ray’s menacing eyes, listening to every word. His sentences dripped with bitter and anger and I knew he meant everything he said. I looked from him to Sun who was still lying on her knees sobbing; she looked up from the floor and stared at me with pain wrenching through her blood shot eyes. I turned my gaze back to Ray and nodded me head.

“Good…now get him the fuck out my sight.” Ray ordered turning around and walking away. When he got to where Sun was, he spit on the floor, inches from her body.

The guards did as they were told and began to drag me out but for a few seconds I was able to look back at Sun and whisper a message to her,

“I love you.”

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