Doomslayer and Anne search for Elsa

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Me and Anna have been lookin for Elsa all night but nothing i have no idea how will find her if we are in the middle of nowhere i have ask Vega to track Elsa energy source but he can't find anything

Anna: Elsa Elsa it us Anna the Doomslayer it your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer I'm sorry it all my fault

Yeah kinda your fault because you wanted to marry someone you just met

Anna: Doomslayer do you think this would never happen if she told me her Secret

I just stay quiet

Anna: oh I forgot you don't talk whatever Elsa she a stinker right

After she spoke I sticks breaks and scares the house who got launch back on the ground i see the house running away I got back my feet and see Anna in a pile of snow i grab her hand and pull her up

Anna: ow your grip was very strong and it hurt

She was rubbing her hand

VEGA: sorry about that princess Anna

Anna: you don't have to call princess Anna just call me anna

VEGA: ok anna we should probably keep going to find your sister

Time Skip

So me and Anna were going up a hill it was dark already i can tell that was freezing but I couldn't do anything to keep her warm

Anna: snow had to be snow she couldn't have had tropical magic that covered the fjords in white sand and warm

Then we see some smoke i can tell it was a fire that was good for a place to stay the night and keep anna warm

Anna: fire

Then Anna falled down the hill and into a frozen luke i side down the hill and help anna up she was freezing i had to get her inside I put her up my left arm under her legs and my right on back her arms wrapped around my neck I walk to a small cabin there was a sign covered in snow Anna tap it the snow fall off she can read it

Anna: Wandering Oaken's Trading Post oh and sauna

We get inside I put her down then hear someone

???:hoo hoo

I turn to see big guy around the corner he has I big smile on his face it kinda of creepy

Oaken: big summer blow out Half-off on swimshits clogs and sun balm of my own invention yah

Is it really the time to be selling sun balm right now

Anna oh great for now how about boots winter boots an dresses

Oaken: that would be in the winter department

We trun were he was pointing but it barley had anything there were boots a winter outfit and a pickaxe and rope Anna grades the outfit and boots

Anna: i was wondering has a another young woman the queen perhaps i don't know passed through here

Oaken: the only ones crazy enough to be out in this storm is you two

Did this fat ass just call me crazy

I hear the door some guy cover in snow with a mask on

Oaken: and him as well hoo hoo big summer blow out

The guy starts walking to us

Guy: carrots behind you

Anna: oh right sorry excuse us

We move so this guy can get some carrots then he went to the winter department

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