"Darryl! Come on, hurry up!" Vurb jumped forwards, grabbing Bad's arm. He led Bad to the door, handing him his shoes. Darryl looked a bit surprised but still put on his shoes. Bad hadn't even finished slipping on his shoes before Vurb dragged him out of the door.

Just as the front door closed, Skeppy started walking down the stairs. I looked over him, noting how baggy his hoodie was. He had always liked big hoodies, but this one used to fit him better. I can't imagine how much weight Zak had lost in the past month. No wonder he moved so slowly now.

"Ready?" I asked him. He nodded as he pulled on his black boots. Finn took a breath and then opened the door, letting me and Zak go first. When we stepped outside, Bad still hadn't noticed Skeppy. When Finn closed the door behind us, that's when Bad saw Skeppy. I could see both of them tense as they stare at each other.

"Ok, let's go!" I said in my happiest voice possible, trying to ignore the tenseness of the situation. I walked ahead, Vurb and Bad on my heels. I glanced back, noticing Finn holding Skeppy's arm and pulling him forwards. I sighed, trying to ignore it. I really had no other way of fixing this other than throwing them into these situations.

We all walked into silence. I was next to Vurb and Bad now, but Skeppy and Finn were still paces behind us. I gave a nudge to Vurb. He glanced at me and I motioned to Skeppy and Finn. Vurb glanced at them and started to slow his pace. I followed his lead and Bad did without noticing. Soon, Skeppy and Finn were just a couple feet behind us.

"So... where are we walking to?" Bad asked. The first person to talk, that's good. Improvement.

"Just to the next village over. Might be good to get a change of scenery." I replied. Half truth, we just were going through this forest to try and get everyone to talk, but it was heading to the next village over.

I heard some whispers behind us. "Skeppy wants to know how far away it is." Finn spoke up. I looked behind me, seeing Skeppy staring at the ground. I winced, feeling a bit bad for not telling him that Darryl was coming with. It was a lot for him just to go on a walk.

"Why can't he ask himself? Or does he just need more people to protect him?" Bad snapped back at Finn. Vurb and I looked at each other, shock on our faces. I looked back to Finn, who had the same look. Skeppy was staring at Bad's back and I saw something other than fear for once. Bad saying that had definitely pushed one of Skeppy's buttons, whether Bad knew that or not.

Silence filled the air again. An occasional crunching of leaves under our feet was all that could be heard.

Then we all heard leaves crunching farther away.

Vurb put out his hands, stopping me and Bad. But by this time, we all had heard it. More people were walking down this trail and were heading for us. Skeppy was next to Bad now and Finn was besides me. All of us stared down the trail, trying to figure out if it was a threat or not.

Calling it a threat would be an understatement. Five dressed guards walked towards us and I could see they all had weapons.

"Oh shit." Finn whispered from besides me. I sighed. When can something go right for us? Because right now it's looking like it's us versus the entire world.

"Guys, here," Vurb pulled three swords out from two separate scabbards, handing me and Skeppy one. I gave him a weird look. "hey, you really expected a normal, chill walk? Please, think ahead."

"I thought the same." We all looked at Bad, who pulled his bow out. How did I not notice these things? And who carries three swords around?

The crunching of leaves stopped nearby. All of us turned to look ahead again, noticing the group of guards staring back at us. One of them, presumably the oldest one, stepped forwards. "What is your meaning of business, carrying around weapons like that?" He asked. 

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