12 Dragon's weakness

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When Lorraine saw the dragon spread its big claws and stretched out to the box unsuspectingly, he couldn't help holding his breath. At the same time, he lowered his body slightly, and his right hand quietly touched the back of his waist.
With a soft bang, the box was slowly opened. Immediately afterwards, a cloud of white powder flew out of the box 'poof', spraying Willa's face.
Willa was choked with a big sneeze, but she didn't care. He just rubbed his nose, and then looked into the box.

After she saw it, she couldn't help being surprised. She raised her head and looked at Lorraine blankly, and whispered, "Why is this box empty? What about the money?"
"Don't ask me first, I'll ask you first." Lorraine looked at her in surprise and said, "Did you feel uncomfortable?"
Willa shook her head, rubbed a paw on her eye, and said in a daze, "Hmm~! I seem to be a little dizzy."
Lorraine almost didn't vomit blood, and at the same time, he was secretly surprised by the dragon's resistance.

You must know that this scumbag was used at the critical moment of life-saving in a large package of poison, so he did not hesitate to spend a lot of effort and money to do it well. A sufficient amount can poison ten elephants to death, but she is just a little dizzy here.

Willa seemed to understand it now. She shook her head vigorously, trying to drive away the dizziness in her mind, and then strode to Lorraine's body, bent down the huge dragon head, stared at him fiercely, and shouted angrily: "This... What's the matter? What about the money I want?"

Although she was angry, her voice was still very crisp and sweet, and she couldn't hear the threat at all.

She paused, and continued angrily: "Where is the money? Did you swallow the money. Tell you, hand over the money soon~! No, otherwise...or else. I...I really ate you. You liar villain."

She got more and more angry, and finally opened her mouth wide, revealing her teeth full of sharp points. Then roared at Lorraine.

"Don't get me wrong. Calm down, calm down." Lorraine rolled his eyes, then reached out his hand to the sky, and exclaimed in surprise: "Look, there is ufo~!"

Vera couldn't help being taken aback. Although she didn't know what the ufo was, she turned around and looked up at the sky out of curiosity.

"Start~!" Seeing her legs stepped into the trap he had set up beforehand, Lorraine hurriedly yelled, then turned back, keeping as far as possible from the distance between himself and the dragon. In case you get hurt.

Willa is looking at the sky attentively, searching for that 'ufo'. At this moment, he heard the sound, turned his head hurriedly, and saw Lorraine's movements, which was a little unclear.

In the jungle on both sides of , two slender black shadows, like poisonous snakes, flew up from the ground at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye.

The two rope loops, one left and one right, jumped up from the ground, put them on her feet, and then pulled them vigorously to each side.

Willa was not ready to guard, her feet were straightened immediately, and she lay on the ground.

The ligaments between the legs were suddenly pulled apart. The cramping pain came, causing her to cry loudly, tears already unconsciously streaming out like a stream.

She looked down at the two ropes that were tightly wrapped around her feet, touched her head in a daze, and said, "This...what is going on?"

She tried hard to break free of the rope so that she could stand up, but the rope was unusually strong. After several attempts, she failed to stand up. I couldn't help shouting to Lorraine next to him: "What are you in a daze, hurry up, find something and cut the rope~! I'm going to die of pain."

Lorraine didn't answer, but looked at her, smiling like a fox who just stole a chicken, with a weird face.

Seeing the expression on his face, Lorraine couldn't help but blinked strangely.

Although she is naive, she is not a fool. It just understood it in an instant, and immediately became furious. Angrily roared: "You... you badass. I thought you were a good person and wanted to pay you~! I didn't expect you to attack me. It's really mean~!"

Lorraine's eyes gleamed, and he said coldly: "The bad guys who want to get rich by robbery are not qualified to talk about others~!"

Willa struggled, and angrily said: "I am not you lowly human beings, I am a noble dragon."

Lorraine stretched out his hand and took out a firecracker from behind and said, "Don't make excuses. Whether you are a human or a giant dragon. Since you dare to trample on the justice and justice of the world, and openly rob and blackmail an innocent good person like me, you must bear the consequences. His consciousness and courage."

The voice was not high, and there was a faint, cynical mockery in the tone, but it was deafening like thunder, which made people unable to refute it.

Willa was suddenly aggrieved, and was speechless. After a while, he said weakly: "But...I'm doing it for the sky."

"Really? I'll help you ask." Lorraine snorted coldly, then raised his head to the sky, muttering a few words in a low voice.

Willa didn't know what he was going to do for a while, and she forgot to struggle, but she opened her slick eyes very round.

After a while, Lorraine lowered his head and said to her: "I reported your problem to God. But Brother Sen, the old man, said that he didn't let you do anything for him."

Willa asked inexplicably: "Brother Sen?"

Lorraine suddenly said: "It is my boss, the god of the gods, the ruler of all things in the world, Zhuo Sen."

Willa was taken aback, then reacted. Staring at Lorraine, he shouted angrily: "You...you are playing tricks."

Lorraine sneered and said: "Aren't you? Although shamelessness has always been the privilege of the strong. But which heavenly law only allows you to shamelessly? Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and surrender, or I will take your skin off and take you. Make a specimen and hang it on the wall in my living room."

Willa immediately reddened her eyes and roared with anger. "You bad...badass~! I...I killed you."

She struggled desperately, and her forelimbs scratched the ground vigorously, raising the dust in the sky. At the same time, the hind legs exerted force, pulling the two thin trees unceasingly.

Lorraine didn't dare to neglect this, so he hurriedly stretched out his hand, lit the large firecracker in his hand, and threw it over.'

The loud noise of the explosion kept coming, causing Willa to scream and scream. But she was also worthy of the pride of the dragon, extremely powerful, and under such a blow, she struggled harder and harder. The two thin trees tied with the rope made a series of slight 'pops'.

The voice was not high, but it sounded like thunder in Lorraine's ears, and he was chilling. Because he knew that it was the peculiar sound of breaking a tree root buried deep underground.

If she breaks free, under the rage, the few people present will probably not survive. The castle will also receive her bloody revenge.

He threw out the firecrackers in his hand even more desperately, hoping to stop her.

What makes him even more strange is that Thomas and Bardo should also rush out of the hiding place as planned to help themselves, but after playing for so long, they can't even see the figure.

He threw another firecracker and found that there was not much on his body. But the other party didn't even have a scar, and he couldn't help being very depressed. Only then did I feel that my original plan was too optimistic and reckless. Although I have a lot of knowledge that transcends the times, this world also has rules that are not exactly the same as my own.

At this moment, he heard a crisp sound of 'Crack', Lorraine took a peek, and the heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Willa relied on her brute force to abruptly pull off the thin tree on the left.

"Aha~! Your villain's retribution is coming." She cheered and stood up slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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