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"uh just don't text back... i'll handle it." seylani responds to Kiara slowly, trying to make sure she wins this round. "you wanna pause so you can respond?" i ask her while pressing the 'options' button on the controller, pausing the game. "no she's just a hoe" she chuckles softly "i dont care who she tryna see" she says again. I start the game back and continue to play. We play 3 rounds and then finally decide thats enough. Not gonna lie, i'm intrigued to know how many "hoes" she has. Kiara leaves to go on a date or some shit, leaving me and seylani down here by ourselves.

I look at Bianca and there's nothing in this world i wanna do more than hold her in my arms. It's just something about having someone like her, that just makes you feel... whole. Even if you guys are simply just friends. "wanna go do something fun? more fun than sitting in a basement" she starts to talk. I nod in agreement and stand up, putting my phone in my back pocket. i look up at her and ask "so where are we going?". "i don't know... that's why i was gonna make you drive" she chuckles and her smile lights up the room... shit, lights up the world. I go upstairs and grab my keys then yell "why are you still in the basement dumbass? Come on!" and i see her run up the stairs "i thought you were like going to the bathroom or something- not that you were ready to go" my phone starts to go crazy again so i completely turn it off, shut it down and everything. "Aaliyah blowing your phone up again?" i just shake my head because it's honestly none of her business. "okay then...let's go" she nudges me out the way and walks out the front door. we get to our destination and its the whole ass field house- "so you mean to tell me we're about to be athletes? baby my cheer season ended months ago" i look at her and say with a scrunched face. "no. i have to get something and we were going somewhere anyways so why not just get it now?" she starts to get out the car "hurry up dumbass" i say before she shuts the car door and walks into the place. she left her phone in the car and it starts to ring so, i pick it up because why not. i read "kiara" out loud and i was about to text her that she left her phone til i remembered it's in my hand. so i answer it, she brings the phone mighty close to her face trying not to show her surroundings. "hey- you're not bianca" she starts to say "duh dumbass. she left her phone in the car and you called so i started to silence it but i answered because i know who you are" "okay well tell her to call me back once she gets back into the car" "gotchu" then i hang up. until my phone starts to ring and it's aaliyah so i look to make sure Bianca isn't outside and answer "hey" i say smiling "why haven't you answered your fucking phone?" she says obviously pissed and my smile drops and i roll my eyes "I haven't seen any messages from you, I didn't even know you were tryna talk to me" i lie straight through my teeth. "yea okay seylani. talk to me when you stop ignoring your girlfriend to be with Bianca." and she hangs up, I just shake my head and put my phone down because she's been tweaking out ever since i got back friends with Bianca for who knows why. The car door opens "sorry it took me so long but lets go" she says sitting down and putting her seatbelt on. "it's fine but uh kiara called you" "was that who you were talking to before i got in the car?" i just nod because i don't feel like telling the truth at this point. she starts to call back "hi bianca, i need y'all to come back to the house" i squint because why couldn't she tell me that on the phone, i'm the one driving- "okay we're on the way". I groan and drive back towards my house "i know you weren't on the phone with Kiara because the call was made way before i got out the fieldhouse" i look at her then back at the road "i was on the phone with my friend... why does it matter?" she shakes her head quick "it doesn't matter i was just confused cus it was a lie" "oh" is all i say pulling into my driveway and getting out. Before i walk in i see another car, i don't know whose it is though. i walk into my house and look at kiara "whyd we have to come home?" "go check your room and you'll know" i walk upstairs to my room and walk in and there goes aaliyah messing up my room and taking all her shit in the process. "what the fuck are you doing?" she stops and looks at me "getting my shit since you think it's cute to cheat" i look at her with the most confused look on my face "nobody's cheating on you, you fucking weirdo! Bianca is literally my friend, nothing more. that's it" "you ignored me for TWO FUCKING DAYS seylani". "i promise i'm not cheating on you princess" i gotta say her nickname because i know it'll get her to chill "but now you're cleaning up my room for me" she rolls her eyes and picks everything up "so does anyone know we're together?" i bite my lip a little and answer very quietly "no..." she looks at me "can you speak up please" i shake my head "no nobody knows besides my brother" "so that means Kiara knows too which means does Bianca know?" i shrug "i don't know it doesn't seem like it.. but i did call you one of my hoes to Bianca and Kiara but only to keep us on the DL" her mouth does an O shape and she pushes me "that's so fucked up" i wrap my arms around her "i know i know... i'm sorry baby" she just takes a deep breath. "you okay?" she nods and chuckles "yea i'm fine" i kiss her cheek. i'm toxic as fuck. I walk out my room and Kiara is standing next to the door. "you listened to my entire conversation, didn't you?" she nods her head and smacks her hand over her mouth. "don't say anything to anyone, okay?" i whisper yell and she whispers back "okay...".

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