[1] Library

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"Come on," Lucan said as he and Kiyoshi ran past the bakery. "Bet you can't catch me!"

Kiyoshi laughed. "I don't think so!" Lucan ran into the library, which was just around the corner. Kiyoshi sighed. This was a tactic of his; the librarian, Lunama, was an old hag who yells at the people and felinas who talk JUST above a whisper. Her feline ears can pick up just about every bit of noise in a huge room like the library. Because of this, Lucan won't make as much noise as usual, making it harder for Kiyoshi to find him, and when Kiyoshi does finds him, he can't cheer for victory. Which is really annoying.

But this time Kiyoshi had a plan.

He raced into the library—slowing to a walk when he went through the doors—, hid behind a bookshelf until he was sure no one can see him and climbed up it. Just high enough to peek at who is where and low enough that Lunama can't see.

Kiyoshi saw Lucan in the criminology book aisle—closest to the librarian—sitting on the floor, reading a book that he's been quite interested in for the past couple of weeks.

Kiyoshi tiptoed down and quietly crawled on all fours behind Lucan.

"Boo," Kiyoshi said quietly, jumping on Lucan. Lucan started, dropping the book and looking behind him at Kiyoshi. He let out a sigh of relief, seeing it was only his best friend. "You win this time—but not next time, I'll make sure of it!" He grinned.

" SHHHHHH!" Lunama hissed. Lucan rolled his eyes at Kiyoshi. "C'mon, let's go," Lucan said, putting back the book.

As they exited, their friend, Alec, rushed up, waving a wooden sword in the air. "Hi-yaa!"

The sword almost met its target, Kiyoshi's shoulder, but Kiyoshi grinned and caught it at the last second between his two hands, his claws digging into it. He spun the sword around, chucked it into the air and caught it.

"Do you give up?" Kiyoshi said menacingly to Alec, pointing the sword at him. Alec groaned, putting his hands up. "I surrender! Please spare my life!"

Kiyoshi feigned thoughtfulness, and joked, "No! This is an attempted murder! I must not let you go unpunished!"

"I'll do all your chores for a week!" Alex begged, going on his knees.

Kiyoshi thought, a smile spreading across his face. "Fine, but you must do ALL my chores!" Lucan, who was watching, smirked.

"Yes, yes, master! Anything you want!" Alec said, still kneeling down. After a long moment, all three burst into laughter.

"Wow, I almost believed you for a second!" Lucan exclaimed.

"You still need to do my chores next week," Kiyoshi said to Alec. Alec groaned.

"Can you do mine too?" Lucan snickered. "No!" Alec cried, waving his hands in front of him to emphasise his point. "I already have to wash dishes and hang clothes and buy stuff and train and—"

"—cook and fish and a whole lot more for me," Kiyoshi interrupted, smirking.

"Yeah," Alec exclaimed, "I'm not doing your chores too, Lucan!"

The trio of 9-year-olds laughed as they headed home.

Friends - a SoW fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora