Sinner: Fifteen

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It's been a few days since that day I was at Miranda's.

I haven't seen or heard anything still, which made my anxiety rise so high that it was difficult for me to function and do anything all day.

I tried getting everything off my mind cause I knew all those bad thoughts would end up consuming me and I didn't want that happening.

Staying inside was what I did most of the time.

Anthony and Ryan took me out yesterday. We went through town and did random shit, which I enjoyed it a lot.

They knew something was wrong from the way I was acting, but I tried shrugging it off. I didn't want them asking questions cause I couldn't bare to lie to them about anything.

Miranda never left my mind.

I kept looking over at the house everyday.

Every night.


The car never left.

James was still there.

I didn't know what was going on but it was driving me crazy.

I knew that if I walked over there with James there, Miranda would tell me to leave and James would laugh in my face.

Wanting to hurt him was something that was getting to me. I wanted to end his life more than anything in the world and that was a terrifying thought I had in my head.

Even though it has only been two days, I was losing my shit and it was getting to me.

I hardly slept and eating was something I didn't do.

I tried doing so many things to get my head right, but nothing was helping and I was stuck back in the state of thought I was in before.

It was Wednesday and I was walking around the house, trying to do random shit cause I was bored.

Anthony and Ryan was busy, so they couldn't come get me and take me away from this place where thoughts were my enemy.

I sighed before walking towards the front door and taking a breather. I needed fresh air cause staying in the house was getting to my head.

As I walked outside, I breathed it then out as I looked around and saw the sun shining as bright as it could. I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at the sky, shielding my eyes from the sun and seeing the blue.

Smiling, I walked out into the yard more then sighed as I looked around before hearing a noise. I looked over at the house next door then heard more noises before deciding to walk over to it.

With every step I was taking, I had a feeling in my stomach that made me want to stop. I kept walking as I was now next to the house and the window that was near me was closed, so I couldn't see into it.

As I walked to the front of the house, I heard the door open and James' voice echoing off the house. I quickly crouched down before slowly crawling towards the front of the house where I could see better.

The bushes were hiding me, so that was a good thing.

I saw James walk to his car before getting in and starting it. He sat there for a moment before backing out of the driveway and driving down the road a few moments later.

As I stood up, I looked at the road before slowly walking to the front of the house. I stared at the door, slowly walking towards it before stopping in front of it. I stared at the door for a moment before reaching my hand up and knocking as softly as I could.

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