Sinner: Seven

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It's been a few days since that day at Miranda's. I kept my eyes on them sometimes but tried not getting caught anymore cause it was too risky. I didn't want him seeing me or catching up to what I was doing cause I was trying to think of ways to get him caught.

I could talk to my mom about it but she has a funny thing about spying on people or getting into other people's business. She would call me out on it and not believe a word I say anyways so it was no use.

I would have told Anthony but he gets too invested and he likes to act out on everything, which in this case isn't the smartest thing to do.

I had to lay low.

The last few days of watching them and becoming a total stalker had be questioning why I was even doing this. I had moments where I would stop watching them, think about what I was doing then go right back to spying again.

Something was keeping me from actually turning away and I couldn't figure out what.

Abuse is never a good thing, so there's that but it's not the main reason why I was doing this.

It even kept me up at night cause my mind would be going all over the damn place. I couldn't sleep or do anything cause all I was thinking about was catching that dickhead in the act.

But for what?

Stopping an abuse? Ok, got it.

Not the answer though.

Definitely not what I'm mainly doing this for.

But as I laid awake one night, constantly thinking about the reasons for why I'm doing this.. I couldn't help but come up with a solution that terrified me.

"Am I crushing on Miranda?"

I admit the moment I saw her, I was awestruck by her beauty. I mean, I'm attracted to women rather than girls my age and that's something I've always admired.

But, Miranda?

She's married. To a dick but she's still married.

Probably my mom's age, if not younger.

My mom was sitting at age thirty nine.

Miranda had to be older at least.

There's no way I was crushing on this woman.

But here I was, pacing around my room and biting my fingernail as I was trying to figure this all out.

I had two things on my mind now.

Dickhead and this whole crush on Miranda.

Those were the only things on my mind right now.

It was driving me insane.

But I haven't seen anything or heard anything for the last few days. I wasn't sure if that dickhead knew I was on to him and he started acting like he wasn't doing anything wrong.

He knew that I knew.

It was currently around two in the afternoon on a Thursday. Mom should be getting home around four or four thirty. I wasn't sure cause I can't keep up with her schedule.

She was still the guidance counselor when I was in high school, which wasn't the best and I kind of hated it. I went to her a few times but not a lot. Mostly to get food and bother her so that was fun.

Not so much fun as everyone was basically making fun of me cause my mom was the guidance counselor.

I was bored out of my mind and I was in the kitchen trying to find some snacks to eat before mom gets home. I wanted to get as much snacks in before I can't get any anymore.

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