Chapter Nineteen: Drive as fast as I can.

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                                                                 *Ride me like its your last day*


"Oh come on babe."

"Are you crazy? You two boys scream torture." Sarah narrowed her eyes as she pointed between Julian and Giovanni. Sarah and Giovanni, since the bonfire party haven't gone a day without seeing each other. It was a shocker since both of them never had a serious relationship. It was like they were balancing each others freakiness and horny urges. I bet they have sex every chance they get.

Julian decided that it has been long overdue since our last date. Rushing home after part 2 of the night before leaving me a mess in my own bed he messaged me too get dress and that he is going to take me out on a double date with Sarah and Giovanni.

We ended up at a race car track that was empty. Giovanni uncle owned it and had given us the chance to have it for the whole day. That's where Julian came in, pulling up with Diego in two luxurious sports car.

One bright orange and the other one was Royal black.

They were beautiful.

Sarah had rushed over to my house with two shopping bags and I already knew that she knew of the day the boys had planned for us.

"What is that?" I questioned. Pulling out matching outfits I sighed as she rambled off about how bad ass she would look.

That left me standing in a checkered red and black plaid long sleeved shirt that was knotted in the front as it tucked inside of the leather shorts I managed to slide myself in. While Sarah wore the same outfit, only with heels, I only had knee length leather boots. It was in between hot and cold, but it wasn't an uncomfortable outfit. Suitable for a weather like this.

Giovanni smirked as he wrapped his arms around Sarah's waist.

"Oh nuh uh, you aren't going" Giovanni started kissing Sarah behind the ear pulling her close as he leaned against the orange sports car. I smirked knowing Sarah will agree to the race.

Julian looked at me and I winked at him. He smirked and made a V with his fingers slowly moving his tongue wiggling it between his fingers reminding me of this morning. I blushed and was glad the other two was too distracted to pay attention to Julian naughty side.


"Ok Girls your up." Giovanni dropped his cigarette and stomped on it putting it out. I was distracted by Julian's glistening body. With his black jeans hanging on his hips and his shirt off and being used to wipe the sweat from his skin he stood beside Giovanni showing off his dark skin making me bite my lip and squeeze my thigh desperately.

Sarah blew a wolf whistle at Julian who blushed and laughed.

"Hot damn." Giovanni glared at Julian and grabbed his shirt swatting Julian who laughed harder.

"You ready girl? First time driving fast right?"

I looked at her confused. "You drove a sports car before?" Sarah looked at me before laughing.

"Girl nah, I mean unless you count Gio's dick as a car and me riding him fast."

"You is nasty as fuck!" We laughed grabbing the attention of our boys.

"What you two over there laughing about?" Giovanni walked towards Sarah and wrapped his arms around her waist while Julian rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"De qué estaban hablando ustedes dos princesa?" Julian's voice whispered in my ears. The sound of his Spanish tongue talking to me caused me to shiver as I shifted into his body.

"J-Just girl things." I mumbled. 

"Oh really?"

"December you coming?" Sarah broke me out of my mini hell with Julian before he released me as I joined Sarah as we stood before the boys.

"Alright, so here's what's going to happen." Giovanni started. "You two are going to race one another."

I looked at Julian wide eyed and he winked at me. "Do you two know how to drive a car?"

"Duh, I've been driving December around since freshman year." Sarah bragged. I rolled my eyes laughing as I nodded answering Giovanni's question.

"Well it's like driving a car. Just you have the advantage of no cops and can go as fast as you can. So can you girls do that. Drive as fast as you can?" 

"Oh baby you know it." Sarah called heading towards the bright orange car while I got into the black one. 

As I closed the door Julian leaned in and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ears.

"Did I say how sexy you look in leather? and red?" 

"Do I now? Maybe you'll see more of me in red...Or less."

Julian watched me surprised at my dirty sentence and I smirked at him.

"Alright girls. You ready?"

I watched Julian and slowly seductively licked my lips. "Oh I'm ready, as ready as I'll ever be."

Backing away with a dark look in his eyes, Julian nodded and looked towards the track.

"Win this for me baby." He mouthed. I nodded and looked forward. Glancing to Sarah who winked at me I smiled back.

This should be good practice. Drive as fast as I can.

So I can drive my man's body.

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