Chapter Twelve: Late Nights Together

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                                                                     *4am knows all of my secrets*

"Is that a stuffed bear?"

I turned my head to see the teddy bear dad gave me when I was 5. I smiled looking back to the phone that was prompt leaning against a pillow to face me. It was 4 am and Julian and I was still on a video chat call. He shook his head, his phone screen the only light in his room so I can see his face. It was dark on his side only showing a bit of his upper body and his blue sheets and messy hair.

"You look a hot mess" He murmured. I dramatically gasp, feigning hurt and pain as I hid my face.

"I'm scared to touch your hair sometimes. Feel like I might find wolves or birds in there." He barked out a loud laugh and I patted my hair, feeling the tangled mess that formed upon my head. I pulled the cold covers over my sports bra and shook my head laughing after him.

Comfortable silence felled upon us as we watched one another sleepily through the screens.

"I never thought I would fall in love in less than 5 months." He whispered rubbing at his eyes. He looked adorable as he let out a yawn stretching his arms. I blushed and tucked a piece of my wild hair behind my ears. Before I could say something, he cut me off.

"Look in your top draw with your panties." I raised a brow and sat upbringing the phone with me.

"What in the world could you place in my panties draw?" I laughed as he blushed and scratched at his neck.

"J-just look and don't make this weirder than it should be."

I crawled off my bed, my feet landing on my cold floorboards as I walked towards my white 5ft white drawers. I stood on my toes reaching to the top as I pulled and pushed aside all of my underwear and folded bras.

"Can you tell me what it is so I can know what exactly I'm looking for?" I placed my phone on top of the dresser to be able to get a better look inside. I suddenly found a folded piece of paper that looked as if it was folded multiple times until it was perfectly folded into an accurate square.

I giggled at the image of Julian putting all his energy into making a square out of paper.

"Found it?" I heard his voice from my phone ask. I picked up my phone and closed my draw crawling back in bed. Opening the piece of paper while prompting the phone to angle itself before me, I started reading the words out loud.

Dear Beautiful,

When I first laid eyes upon you, you had shoulder-length hair and wavy bangs hiding your beautiful eyes. I always saw you from afar and never had the chance to talk to you since I was going through a rough patch. You were beautiful and your skin looked so soft and creamy and your eyes had this lost yet captivating look swirling in them. Seeing you gave me a sense of mind that this world is covered in beautiful things despite the shape or size. In that year I understood the fact that life is too short and you mustn't waste it worrying or overanalyzing things. You have to take a risk and put your life on the life, your feelings, your emotions. You have to put yourself out there to be able to live. So that's what I did. I threw out all the negativity in my life and welcomed the positive. I felt freer than I ever had before, and now that I'm finally able to call you mines I can't hesitate to finally say the words I've been meaning to tell you. How much I love you. I love the way you take a strand of your hair and rub it between your fingers when your shy. How you lick your lips every 5 seconds as if preparing to kiss me. How your so focused and determined on your school work and how free-spirited you are with your friends and family. How you eat more than me and how when you sleep you always have a pillow in your arms and between your legs. I love the way your eyes twinkle in the light and how soft your skin is. I love the sound of your voice and how I can make you blush just like I'm doing right now I bet, December Eliza Jack I want to be your rock, your best friend, and the air to your lungs. I want to be your everything and give you your space even if I miss you after a minute without you. I want to be yours and forever yours and only yours. Just like I want you to be mines and only mines. I want to continue spending every moment with you, learning more things about you, and experiencing new things alongside you. Beautiful I want to be with you for a lifetime having a beach wedding and a football team with you. I want to promise you the world and I intend on doing exactly that. I promise you with all my heart you will never be without me. Forever and always December, and to make sure you remember my promise I have a little gift for you. You will receive it if you could answer one question. Do you love me too?

Love yours truly,


I hadn't realized I was crying until I saw a small wet spot on the paper beside his name. I touched my cheeks feeling the wetness touch against my fingertips. Without realizing it I let out a muffled sob and started crying softly sniffing as I looked at the phone only to see it hung up. Just as I was about to dial back his number I heard a sound coming from my window. I slowly crawled off my bed and looked behind the curtains to see a figure dressed in black from head to toe standing there under the streetlamp in front of my house. I gasped seeing Julian's face as he pulled back his hood and I quickly slipped on my shoes before dashing down the stairs not bothering to be careful about waking my parents. I flew out of the front door and down the pathway before jumping into his arms as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes. Yes, Julian, I love you too. I love you so so much" I sobbed into his neck as he held me against his body.

My home. My love. My life. My everything and I wasn't afraid to admit it but I had fallen hard for Julian Evergreen.

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