Chapter Six: War over Pie

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                                          *Dieting is when you eat food that makes you sad*

Cookie Monster: Pick you up at 6?


It was 3 in the afternoon and dad took Daniel out on a Dad-Son day while I stayed home with mom and helped out around the house with some chores and the twins. As the twins took a Nap, I convinced mom to sleep and I'll wake her up when I was getting ready to go hang out with Julian.

"I knew you two would hit it off! Guess you have a type." Sasha teased me through the video call. I placed her leaning against the microwave in the kitchen as I washed up the dishes.

"What you mean a type?" I had my share of boyfriends if you count middle school guys where you hold hands and pass notes. I had one boyfriend in high school but he moved when I entered my Sophomore year.

"Your last boyfriend was Spanish. Curly hair. He had bird lips though." I laughed at the memory of Sasha teasing me that my first kiss would be with a bird boy.

"Oh shush, He wasn't that bad looking." I joked. She moved the phone just a bit as she laid across her bed. "What you doing?"

"Hiding from my mom. She wants to dress me in those long nun skirts and cover me in pearls."

"Sounds like hell," I said with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes.

"You try living up to certain expectations. Your parents don't force you to dress a certain way."

"Your parents don't force you, Sasha, they just hope you would. You know your parents are old school."

She scoffed. "Old school, new school. This ain't the 70's."

"Your parents are not that old. Shut up!" We laughed as we joked about the year our parents were born.

"So where is he taking you?" I was walking to my room, but I took a quick peek at the twins to make sure they were ok. Satisfied with what I saw, I started getting ready since it was now 4.

"Don't know, after dinner with his family he invited me out and that's it."

Sasha was quiet for a few seconds before she cleared her throat. "Be honest December. Do you like him?"

I thought about the past few days I've spent with Julian at school. I thought about his joyful eyes, which danced with mischief. I thought about his addictive smile and loud laugh. His love for his family and the way he was always making someone laugh. He was a goofball and he seemed immature from the outside but I knew deep down he was a very mature person.

I never had a serious relationship with anyone, hence why I never had my first kiss before. I wasn't entirely innocent thanks to Sasha, but physically I was. He didn't seem like someone who just wanted sex nor the type to break hearts.

"Yeah..." I whispered finally admitting it to myself. "I like him, Sasha."

She squealed but I cut off her excitement before she started planning baby showers and bachelorette parties. "But I won't act on it just yet! Let me get to know the guy properly first"

She rolled her eyes but agreed. "Now let me help you with an outfit."


Deciding on a simple white ripped short and white fitted tank top with spaghetti straps, I slipped on my Black high converses and pulled my black sweater from my closet, and wrapped it around my waist.

I stared into the mirror looking at my features. Even though I shared Mom's brown curls and Dad's hazel eyes, I sometimes felt I wasn't that beautiful. I guess Julian is the first guy to make me feel beautiful let alone tell me that I am every chance he got.

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