Chapter Eighteen: Tasty

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                                                                        *Eat bitter taste sweet*

Hearing the sounds of Julian light snoring through the phone, I couldn't help but think of that poor boy. The troubled look on his face as he stood before everyone naked. He looked hungry as if he hadn't eaten in days. Almost years. He must have, else he wouldn't be alive right now.

I shook my head and turned back on my side to watch Julian's lips parted as he slept peacefully. I couldn't blame him or anybody for sleeping after seeing that, I only blame those who did nothing to help him or tormented him their selves.

How could they do that? Poor kid.

I remember telling a teacher and they said they will report it to the principal but it didn't seem like they did.

Do his parents know?

Why do they even bully him?

I was disgusted how they could judge someone just because of their status or the amount of money they had in their bank.


I looked to see Julian's eyes slightly open as he watched me. His video paused and I could hear the typing from his side before he appeared back to the camera.

"Why you still awake princess?"

I smiled at his Spanish tongue and shifted. "Couldn't sleep."

"Do you need me to come over?"

I thought about it and shyly nodded. "Please...?"

He nodded and the phone hung up. I got up slipping on my socks and grabbed my robe as I left my room and checked up on Daniel and the twins.

Sitting on the edge of Daniel's bed I rubbed his cheek kissing it praying that he didn't grow up bullied and thinking he's all alone. I couldn't wish that on anyone, because I could tell it wasn't a welcoming feeling. Sighing I headed towards the twin's room.

I bent over the cribs and was surprised to see Dawn wide awake. She didn't make any sound that she needed something. She just laid there chewing on her fingers staring at the toy above her that lighted up the room blue with circling spaceships and planets.

She's probably thinking, 'This rocket is never reaching that planet'

Her green eye's flickered to me and I smiled at her.

"Why are you up baby girl?" I cooed at dawn and carefully picked her up rocking her in my arms. She rested her head on my shoulders as she sucked on her pacify holding the loop pulling it closer with her lips.

I rubbed her back and rocked side to side humming a soft melody as I felt the beaming light from the toy glow against my skin.

"Kiss me goodnight..."

I could feel and hear the soft breathing coming from her tiny lungs and I knew she was fast asleep. All she needed was the warm arms of love to guide her to her sweet dreams.

I smiled and laid her back down in her crib, carefully leaving their room and out into the hallway.

I checked my phone to see if Julien messaged and I saw one from him.

Cookie Monster🍪💍😘: I'm outside baby.

I slipped my phone into my shorts pocket, opening the front door slowly. He stepped in, taking off his hood. He wore his black hoodie, with his blue basketball jeans. I touched his cold skin from the winter air outside and pulled him in for a long, needy kiss.

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