"where is this?" I heard him ask as he looks at one of the photos, I wonder what photo he points out. "hmm, that is one of the entrances toward the abyss, I don't know ((name)) deary knows that place! It's a fairly dangerous place... then again she always near danger." Alice stated with waves of laughter

yup, I am pretty close to a dangerous zone, namely, you and there's a parasite inside me too. quite a life I have.

"the abyss..." I heard him mumble before entering what seems to be a deep thought as he doesn't speak anything else after.

"oh that's right, I don't realize you two know each other." his adoptive mother hummed while she went and get a new album to look at. I stared at that one piece of photo that fallen from earlier. it was the only dangerous photo that might be bad if someone sees it. but it's being seated on my that album box, so it won't be noticed at all, I hope it will stay that way.

"hmm? oh, don't Klee write to you every week?" he asks as he took the album she previously scans back to the box.

oh wait, Klee, sends letter to Alice weekly? that so cute.' I thought as I thought how adorable Klee be when she write or draw her weekly diary to her mom.

"yeah she did write at me weekly... look it's from that time when Kaeya and ((name)) went as dates in a ball of his brother!" she says as she shows him what I remember that time when Kaeya force me to wear a gott damn dress to pair for him that time, its the annoying kind where I can't run with it but trip if I did it. I tripped so many times, it's not even funny. he was laughing at me! I remember Alice helping in the dress since mona is out for some reason. and she has taken that photo when Kaeya and I wear acting like "some rich and snob couple who laugh at poor people" but at that time, where that close to not even bothered by that nonsense were doing.


was that really your problem here? not the fact your--

what? of course that photo is my problem. I don't realize I don't burn it.

"....seems like Sir Kaeya and ((name)) quite close before..."

"hmm! they close to know each other secrets and downsides. it was a shock when I heard they, arent friends, anymore! "

"isn't her best friend that adventurer benny?"

"you mean, the adventure guild dear boy, Bennett? hmm, they are close like siblings. but she never once told benny her worries because she thinks that kid has enough of problems already."

i don't have problems through...

don't you just say this one is a parasite and a problem?

...shut up!

"hmm, I guess so. I did hear some rumors about his previous teammates." they then move on to the next album.

"you never really answer me, what's your connection to ((name))? I always wonder you two never meet you know! when she's at our house she only goes there when you out with Klee or Klee and you're gone. the only reason being the one delivering her sweets for holidays or sort. what a kind child."

i have no choice, it was dared by kaeya. he blackmailed me. HE BLACKMAILED ME TO CLOSE MY STORE! since he can do it with his fucking sly minds that are fit for masterminds.

"hmm, my relationship with her..."  he holds the last album with the picture of Kaeya and me in the ball some time ago. I made sure to turn toward the direction of Albedo, and made sure Durin stared at him while I wait for his reply, No. there's nothing wrong with me getting embarrassed even though he's still not saying it. damn it!

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