The Cruelty of Everyone Else

Start from the beginning

Cameron catches the look on her face before she has a chance to wipe it off once she notices that he's looking at her.

"What did you do?" He asks her lowly, his eyes are blazing with anger. He knows now who's behind the disappearance of Nash and his siblings. As soon as he finds them he's going to apologize for whatever crazy lies she filled Nash's head with. He knows the obvious choice of where Nash would go with his siblings and that's to Mrs.Kaplan's trailer, he's certain that that's where they've gone.

"Whatever do you mean, my darling boy?" She asks him sweetly but he knows her and he knows that she's lying.

"What.Did.You.Do?" He asks louder and more firmly. Kitty feigns confusion at his question.

"I have no idea what you are referring to, Cameron. Is that any way to speak to your grandmother?" She asks him, attempting to steer the conversation away from Cameron's question. But if she thinks Cameron will let her deflect the question she is sorely mistaken.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO, KITTY?!" He yells, losing his patience completely. She flinches at his tone of voice, he's never spoken to her that. His parents and his grandfather stare at him in shock. They've never seen Cameron lose his temper or speak that way to any of his family members.

"Cameron, calm down." Gina says soothingly, trying to figure out what's going on. "Why are you speaking to your grandmother like that? It's extremely disrespectful."

"Why don't you ask your mother?" He glares at Kitty. "Why don't you fucking tell them what you did, grandmother? Or are you too ashamed of your actions to own up to them? Deep down, underneath the rotten core of your heart you know that what you did was wrong and that's why you can't admit to it."

Cameron's words cut deep into Kitty because they're true. They're true and she knows it.

"All I did was have a small conversation with the little hoodlum regarding his relationship with my grandson. What he did afterwards has nothing to do with me," she replies coolly and Gina turns her head and looks at her mother incredulously.

"Why don't you tell us exactly what you said, dear old grandmother." Cameron taunts her, Kitty has shown her weakness and now he knows exactly how to get her to talk about what she said to Nash that made him leave so abruptly.

"I told him that he's ruining your life and your future. I told him that if he stays with you he'll be making your life worst because your parents will cut you off and you'll all end up in the poorhouse. I told him he will have single-handedly brought down Dallas Farms because of his selfishness, that if he truly loved you he'd let you go and let you become exactly what you were meant to be, sitting at the head of Dallas Farms, INC. I told him you'd end up like Taylor, destitute and the laughing stock of the town because you lost everything for a trio of trailer park trash." She tells Cameron snidely, laughing coldly as she thinks back on her conversation with the little maggot.

"I told him exactly what he needed to hear to get out of my family's life. He has no place here, he doesn't belong here. He was using the kindness of my daughter and you to jump up several to the top 1%. That's not where he belongs. He belongs back in the trailer park with peoplel like him. I told him he was too stupid to amount to anything, he will always have to do low-skill hard labor because that's all he's good for. You should have seen how he tried to defend himself to me. He was no match for me, I can speak circles around that little boy." Kitty is smug, she feels triumphant that she achieved her goal.

Gina sees her mother in a completely different light, how could this old woman delight in tearing apart the self-worth a such a kind, warm-hearted boy like Nash.

Cameron is shaking with rage, because he knows how badly her words must have hurt Nash. She pressed every single button, Nash always believed he wasn't worthy of Cameron and she just proved it to him.

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