Stepping into roles

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Sophie lightly ran up the path to the green crystal castle that was now her's for the 6th day that week. Night had fallen hours ago yet Sophie could not have known. Her internal clock had completely shifted- she now woke up at 9, sometimes 'went to her friends' homes' for a few hours in the morning or afternoon, worked in the Havenfield pastures in between, and sneaked in power naps whenever she could.

The Councillors were thankfully very flexible and didn't seem to mind her erratic schedule. She popped in for 2-3 hours a day, more if she was lucky, and they put all of their work down to help her. During the day, it was just small things, like cloak fittings, crown selections, final castle adjustments and construction, stacks of scrolls to sign, etc, but at night was when the real work was getting done.

Rehearsals for the official ceremony and the dinner, ball, and speeches given after had begun the night Sophie started. A new Councillor required a large event and celebration- when Councillor Alina (who insisted that Sophie address her as simply Alina, which made her uncomfortable) had joined, Sophie was too filled with grief for Councillor Kenric and worry about the Black Swan to attend. Now, it would all be for her.

Sophie had already submitted 4 drafts for her speech, all vetoed and given specific instructions on what to change. It was frustrating, but Sophie complied. She didn't have enough time to dwell on things. The faster her tasks were done, the faster she could go home to her soft bed and cottony sheets, where Ella and her Iggy waited. Except they were never fast, and she usually worked from 10 to 4 in the morning, where she light lept home to the light of dawn.

Sophie nodded in greeting to her latest legion of Goblin soldiers, who had already blended into the background despite their impressive stature. She walked through the now-familiar rooms and halls of her castle, which would soon be her primary residence, up the spiral stairs where 3 gnomes struggled to fix a very large map of the locations in the lost cities to the wall. They all bowed to her and almost dropped the whole thing before Sophie stopped it from toppling down the crystal stairs.

"Please, spare me the formalities. I'm not even a Councillor yet," Sophie said with an embarrassed laugh as she tried to help them stabilize the map. "But Councillor Sophie, there are only 8 days until you are," one of them said. "And to us, you've already been one since the start!" another one exclaimed. Sophie was unable to reply but was saved by one of her Goblin guards who urged her on to the upper floor where her office awaited, and in one strong swoop had the map pinned and positioned squarely on the wall. The gnomes cheered.

Sophie stopped in front of the large door to her office and took a steadying breath. She practiced the skills Oralie taught her- rolled her shoulder back, sucked in her stomach, straightened her back, lifted her chin up a little bit, and after resting her hand on the handle for a second, she opened the door and strutted into the room as regally as she thought she could. Oralie looked up from her position on one of the elegant walnut-colored guest seats and smiled broadly.

"Well, well, welcome Sophie," Bronte said in a bored tone. He was sitting on her throne behind the large, glittering brown crystal desk that belonged to Sophie. "I'm not late today, see?" Sophie said triumphantly. He had given her an earful every time she arrived even a few minutes after the set hour to arrive. "Yes, well, you still have work to do. Starting on that arrival of yours. Bland and uninspiring," he said grumpily. Sophie frowned, Oralie frowned.

"Bronte, dear, that was unnecessary. I found Sophie's entrance was quite good, regal, even. She's made much progress in the past few days," the gentle lady said encouragingly. Sophie didn't let Bronte's sharp words hurt her anymore. Technically, they were on the same echelon now, equals. She thanked Oralie and sat next to her. "So? What's the plan for today? Are we berating my speech or tasting menu items?" she said lightly.

Oralie had to look away to daintily laugh into her hand and even Bronte had to smile a bit. He would never admit it, but he was fond of Sophie and her sometimes sharp, witty sense of humor. He opened one of her empty drawers and pulled out a neatly bound scroll. "No more berating your speech, I assure you. This one was approved by everyone in the immediate council. Here, take it and recite it 'til you have it etched in your memory," he said.

Sophie wouldn't have to remember it- it had been etched into her brain the moment she finished composing it. The reciting would have to be practiced to make sure she was as eloquent as possible, but besides that, the official ceremony was almost ready. They discussed other quick matters, like crowd placements, defense, official guests to invite to the stage, things that didn't occupy many of Sophie's worries until they reached the question of Sophie's cabinet.

"My cabinet?" she spluttered out, "What do you mean?" She had switched seats with Bronte and was now seated criss-cross on her very comfortable throne (a position that made the elder elf frown in disdain). "Your cabinet will be the people that aid you in your day-to-day. Servants, guards, advisers, secretaries, etc," Councillor Terik offered. He and Emery had joined the bunch and were now circled around Sophie's desk, giving her valuable bits of advice and info.

"I don't even know where to start," Sophie muttered, tracing the outline of one of the many smoky topazes inlaid in her throne. There were so many people she may have wanted that no longer spoke to her. Did she want to ask one of her friends to help carry her burden? Would they want to? A firm knock on her door made her jump a bit and Emery rose. "I think our new arrivals may be good contenders to fill some of your positions," he said.

Sophie scrambled to sit up, remembering Oralie and Alina's tips, and she smoothed out her dress, patted down her hair, sat as impressively as possible, and tried to put on a pensive face. When the door opened, she was not ready for who walked in. Her mask fell into an expression of shock as Keefe, Lihn, and Sandor arrived, the last people she wanted to see.


I finally updated! Argh, I know the wait was long. I'll try to do more soon!

Hope you enjoy...


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