Looking A Little Big, Aren't We

Start from the beginning

'I'm not really sure and this probably isn't the ideal time to find out huh?'

I roll my eyes 'Ya think?'

"Hey Zhane are you here?" I speak up a little louder so they-if anyone- knows that I'm here.

Nothing for a few seconds but then I hear a tiny scampering sound. It seems to be coming from the basement. I get a little closer to the door and put myself into attack mode, whether I have super strength or not I can still kick some ass. A few more seconds and the scampering is getting louder until finally a white fluff ball bursts through the slightly opened door. He is barking and jumping at my legs, his little tail going a mile a minute. I lean down and release a sigh and pet his head. Not long after Zhane comes up looking slightly dish shelved, as if he had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position.

"Oh, hey I thought you were someone else for a minute there." He runs a hand through his hair, if he was trying to straighten it out he only made it worse. He yawns-which proves my theory that yes he had fallen asleep down there- and looks at my face. His eyebrows lower in a concerned way, "Are you alright?"

"A little better knowing you aren't hacked to bits or that Wesker isn't holding you captive some where" I force myself to smile.

"Oh, ok. But then you were still worried about something before you came in then right?"

I sigh, "Yeah that's also why I kind of hoped Wesker was here. I need to talk to him about something; I might as well ask you too." I add the latter as a second thought.

"What about?"

I turn to face the living room then look back at him. "Do you mind if we sit?"

"No that's fine" he answers while heading to the living room and sitting on the couch, I take an arm chair.

I take a few minutes to figure out exactly what I am going to say. It would be better if Albert was here, that way I would only have to say this once. Just as I open my mouth said blonde walks through the door, and he looks pissed. It takes him only a second to find us and then he is not exactly storming but not really walking either in to the living room. He stops a few feet in front of me.

I brace myself thinking he is going to attack but he just stands there, arms crossing over his chest.

"You aren't going you know that right?" His voice is layered with anger and a silent don't you dare object.

I sit there looking around the room and then back at him.

"How did you find out already?"

He flexes his fists from under his arm over his chest.

"That isn't important."

I glare slightly, "You know what it is, even if you don't think so you owe it to me." I had stood from the chair and jammed a finger into his chest. He looks some what taken aback but I can't really tell with his glasses.

He gains his façade of not caring in seconds, and he has a grin that isn't used for showing happiness.

"And why do you think that?"

"You practically raped me the other day." I fold my arms and turn to look at the wall to my right.

Zhane had been sitting rim-rod straight since Wesker had barged through the front door, only now clearing his throat and getting up from the couch to leave. My attention quickly turns to him but then I stare back to the wall. I spare a quick glance at Wesker though, he's still and his hands have fallen to his side which are clenched to the point that they have gone white.

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