'It's because of the virus. It slows down the aging process which means you will never get any wrinkles or other facial blemishes.'

'Great, another thing I'm going to have to explain.' I push off the sink and head to bed, with in minutes of my head hitting the pillow I'm sound asleep.

"Hey daddy, daddy look what I can do!"

The sound of an excited boy causes me to look up from the book I had been reading.

"Daddy are you watching?" He's smiling and waving at me from the swings.

"I'm watching" I reply smiling back.

He then grasps both hands on the chain and starts to pump, he keeps getting higher and higher but he doesn't stop.

Panic starts to set in. "Stop***** you are going to high."

"Daddy watch." He shows no signs of slowing down when it looks like he is about to go over the bar he jumps.

"NO." I shout leaping from the bench. Other parent's take notice as he flies through the air. I try to run and at least break his fall. But I'm too late and he hits the ground causing a cloud of dust to explode. When it settles I see him standing there with a huge smile on his face.

"Daddy did you see me?"

I hear gasps all around me and some one mutters 'How can he be alright?'

Another whispers' 'He isn't normal'

I start to panic again. 'This is what I feared' keeps running through my mind. I grab my son and turn to leave but there's scientists all around me and I notice that we aren't in the park anymore. They make a move to grab the kid but I just pull him closer towards my chest. Spinning around I don't see any way of escape. They make a move to grab him again this time succeeding in pulling him from my grasp.

"Daddy, what's happening? I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to swing so high. Please don't let them take me."

I try to rush after them but I can't move, I've been strapped down and they keep getting farther and farther away. I struggle with everything I've got but it's no use.

"*****" I shout his name.

When I wake up I'm covered in sweat and breathing fast. Shit that was so vivid; it felt like I was actually there. After that I can't fall asleep. I get up and head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face.


When I finally get to work I can't stop thinking about the dream. Every time I close my eyes I see that little boys face in terror and grasping out to me. My boss see's that I'm not exactly in good shape. He asks me if I had a rough night and I lie but he sees right through it.

"Look Redfield you are a great agent, it just seems that something's been up ever since Africa. Are you sure you don't want to see a therapist?"

Anger flares up inside I only just manage to control myself before I reply.

"Yes, sir, I'm sure."

"Alright," he sighs "Why don't you just head on home for the day."

I go to decline when he holds up his hand "that's an order"

I bite down my reply and nod my head before standing up and leaving the building.

I head to a local burger joint and get a large Coke and a BLT to go.

Starting A FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now