Chapter 3: Classes Start!

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Natsuki's POV


I woke up to being nudged by someone. "What..?" I said trying to go back to sleep. "Classes start today Natsuki, you need to get up." Yuri informed speaking softly. I groaned. "I  don't want to!" I said adjusting myself. "Monika told me you were very excited and got up before her, where did all of that enthusiasm go?" Yuri asked, she stopped nudging me and started rubbing my back. Not gonna lie it felt great. "It vanished." I said lazily. Yuri sighed. "I really didn't want to do this." She sat up and walked off somewhere. A few moments later I felt ice cold water pour all over me. I screeched and sat up. "What was that for!?" I yelled at the purple-haired girl as she set down the now empty bucket. "You brought that upon yourself." She said. "Now, go get ready please." She smiled. I groaned again and sat up. "Here," She handed me a uniform. "Thanks." I said sleepily before walking into the bathroom to get ready.

I walked out feeling refreshed. "Let's go! It's breakfast time!" Sayori said dragging Monika behind her. Me and Yuri walked a little behind them. "Where did you get the uniforms anyway?" I asked Yuri. She simply smiled. "Familiars do a lot more behind the scenes then you think." She stated. I nodded slowly. Why does everything she does have to be either funny or mysterious and why do I find that so hot! I grumbled feeling a blush form on my cheeks.

 We made it into the cafeteria. Oh I can think it correctly but I can't say it right?! Sayori darted towards the plates and began shoveling all sorts of breakfast items onto one. Yuri chuckled at Sayori's behavior. I feel a tiny bit jealous that she isn't paying attention to me. That's a bit petty, isn't it? Omelets, pancakes, bacon, they have everything here! I got my food and joined up with the others before sitting down with the others. This time I sat down next to Yuri, so Ezekiel couldn't. 

Yuri kept on sneaking glances across the room, and she looked all the more worried each time. "What's got you so bothered Yuri?" I asked looking across the room to try and identify the problem. "It's nothing," Yuri said dismissing the problem and turning back towards her food. I grumbled. "It's obviously not 'nothing' if your looking over there like someone is about to kill you. Now, tell me what's wrong." I said snappily. Sayori looked over to  the table across from us. "Oh! She's worried because her ex boyfriend is over there." Sayori explained. "Ex boyfriend?" I asked, so, she's straight? "Yeah, their relationship didn't work out because Yuri figured out she was lesbian." Oh, nevermind. Yuri didn't mind Sayori telling me about her ex boyfriend, but she slammed her hands on her desk immediately after Sayori finished her sentence. "Sayori!" She yelled, clearly embarrassed. Monika giggled. "It's okay Yuri, no one here judges you. Love is love!" She said. "Really? You guys won't judge me?" Yuri asked hopefully. "Of course not!" Monika reassured her. Yuri smiled. "Thank you." Yuri said, like a giant weight was lifted off her shoulder. Sayori gave Monika a bear hug. "Thank you for being so accepting of the purple bean!" She said with a giant smile. Monika's face was pure red. Oh she is so gay for Sayori. Yuri chuckled, she can see it too. 

I smirked. "Hey Yuri. What do you call a lesbian octopus?" I asked. Yuri looked confused. "What?" She replied. "Lick-a-lotta-puss." I said with a grin. Yuri threw her hand over her mouth, folded her cat ears began laughing hysterically. "What's the best part about gardening?" I continued. Yuri regained some of her composure. "Hm?" She asked with her hand still over her mouth. "Getting down and dirty with your hoes."  I said wheezing a bit at the end. Yuri almost fell backwards while laughing. Sayori didn't register the jokes, and Monika was trying to keep her cool. Letting only small snorts and a millisecond of grinning through. "I don't get it." Sayori said confused.

After breakfast was our first class. Who makes kids to math directly after breakfast! It's just cruel! After that was Science, then P.E, yadda yadda yadda, The last class of the day makes me kind of nervous though. 'Dark Arts' What the hell is that? I asked Yuri, but she just smiled and said that its fun and there's nothing to be worried about. That just worried me more. The day carried out as any other normal school day. Boring. It's time for Dark Arts. Yuri seems excited about it. Me and her had Math and P.E with Monika and Sayori but other then that we didn't see each other. Yuri lead me to the class room, her eyes sparkling more and more the closer we got. "Why are you so excited about this?" I asked confused, picking up my pace since Yuri had went from casual pace to a light jog. "You'll see," She smiled. "We have arrived!" She said at the large door with engravings of all sorts of elements on it. I could only make out a few. Water, fire, earth, air, ice, and light. There was one engraving that looked like an atom. But the others I had no clue about.  Yuri opened the door and guided me inside. Sayori looked towards the door and came running. "Yuri as you as excited as I am!?" Sayori said grabbing the hands of her friend and bouncing around like crazy. Yuri nodded happily. Sayori dragged Yuri and me over to the two seats beside her and Monika. Monika leaned over to me. "Did Yuri happen to say why she was so excited about this?" She asked. "No, what about Sayori?" I questioned in return. "Nope. Guess we'll just have to see." Monika muttered.

"Welcome to Dark Arts kids." The teacher said with a smile. "Now, some of you have no clue what this is. Probably because your familiar didn't tell you." She started. "Dark Arts is the practice of elements. You and your familiar have the same element, but you need your familiar to unlock the potential of your own." She said pacing around the room. "Based on your element your role in battle will change." She explained. "Today will just be learning the basics of yours and your familiar's element. Nothing too extreme. I believe that is all." The teacher said. "Today I have it easy because your familiars will be doing all the teaching." She added with a smirk, sitting down in her chair and throwing her headphones on. I snickered, I can tell she's a cool person. Yuri smiled and turned me towards her. 

"Okay, now listen closely," She started before explaining the basics of elemental control. "We have Atomic powers, normally that would put us as a defensive role, or a damaging role." Yuri looked towards her hand and went into deep concentration, atoms about the size of an eraser started appearing, the rings of the atom swirled around the nucleus. "Neat." I said touching one of the little atoms, making it drift away a bit.  "Indeed." Yuri replied, she tensed her hand. the atoms became one larger atom, about the size of a computer mouse. "We can utilize the power of atoms to alter the atomic makeup of ourselves and others. Or even create new things" Yuri explained further. The atom in her hand disappeared, and the hand itself became a fortified metal. "We can bend this power to protect our allies or tear up enemies from the inside out." She said her hand returning to normal. Holy shit that's actually amazing. I sat and watched in awe as Yuri continued to bend atoms, taking in every little bit of information. Yuri grabbed my hand. "Now try it for yourself." She said with a smile. I nodded. Begining to concentrate, a small flicker appeared. Then a small atom, around the same size as a Lego person. Yuri smiled and clapped. "You did it!" She said with a wide smile. Grabbing the attention of Sayori and Monika. Sayori gasped before clapping. Which grabbed the attention of a few other students and the teacher. "Well damn, didn't expect someone to get it first try, good job kid." She said with a thumbs up. I smiled. Hell yeah, top of the class bitches. I looked back towards Yuri. She was looking at me with a smile and nothing but admiration. I felt my face heat up. I crossed my arms. "It's not that big of a deal, stop starring and go back to whatever." I said looking away from the crowd.

Dinner was normal. Ezekiel didn't come over, so that was a huge bonus. Yuri didn't stop praising me for the rest of the day, which felt great, if I might add. We made it back to the dorm in peaceful silence. Sayori immediately got under the covers "I did work, I'm done for today." She said with a sigh. Monika giggled before getting comfortable under her own covers. Yuri smiled at me and gave me a hug. "You really did amazing for your first day." She stated quietly before heading to her bed. Leaving me a blushing mess in the doorway. I shut the door behind me and climbed into my bed. I just realized. I'm in love with her. Holy shit I'm in love! I squealed into my pillow. I have a crush on my familiar. Wait, is that even allowed? Forget about that. What matters is a figured out my feelings and I couldn't feel happier. I whispered to myself one more time. "I'm in love...." I smiled before drifting off too sleep.


A/N: That's pretty gay Natsuki.

Have a fantastic day!


Love Is A Magical Thing (Natsuki x Yuri Fanfic, Side Sayonika)Where stories live. Discover now