After 2 hours in Meredith's room Bailey walked in

"Shepherd, you look awful! When was the last time you've seen a real bed?" Miranda said

"Miranda.. I just wanted to spend some time with Mer and the kids"

"Bring the kids to Alex, he has almost finished his shift and go take a nap!"


"No Derek, she'll need you when she's awake. You can't do anything for her now. I'll stay here with her and I'll ask Karev to come here after he took the kids for lunch" Miranda said

"Page me.. please.. just page me if anything changes or if she wakes up or-"

"Go Shepherd!"

The kids gave their mom a kiss on her hand before they took on their jackets. Derek gave his wife another kiss on her forehead and whispered "I love you, I'll be back soon"

"I don't want to see you unless you've slept" Bailey said just before Derek left. She walked over to Meredith and sat down on the chair next to her.

"I'm gonna say it.. I miss you." Bailey scoffed at the tears falling down her face against her will.

"Grey, I know I said I love you... but if you keep pulling this crap I swear to god I'll kick your ass so hard this coma is gonna be the least of your problems"

4 hours later

Alex, Jo and the kids were sitting in Meredith's room

Jo was talking with Zola and Ellis about the baby and Bailey and Alex were playing with some toy cars.

"Auntie Jo can we play with the baby once she's big enough?" Ellis asked

"Of course you can" Jo answered smiling and rubbing her belly

"Can she stay the night and do a sleepover with us just like we sometimes stay at yours?" Ellis asked

"Of course she can! But then you'll need to learn how to take car of her, I'll show you once she's born" Jo explained

"But mommy and daddy know how to take care of a baby and I can too! I take care of my doll all the time" Ellis said happy

Jo had to giggle

"Mommy, did you hear that? Our little niece can come for a sleepover" Ellis said while looking at her mom in the hospital bed.

Alex now had tears in his eyes. Thinking about if Meredith would ever wake up.. He wanted her to open her eyes so badly.

Derek walked into the room

"Hey kiddo's I missed you" He said before his 3 kids ran off to him to pull him in a hug as he lowered himself.

"No change?" Derek asked

"I'm sorry" Alex shook his head

"I'm gonna go check on some of my patients" Jo said before walking out of the room

Derek walked over to give Meredith a kiss on her forehead.

"Daddy?" Ellis whispered as she ran over to Derek "I want to lay down with mommy"

"That's not possible Ellie.. Not yet. You see all those tubes and wires? We have to be very careful with mommy"

Ellis nodded

"I can put some pillow's on the chair so you'll sit higher"

"Thanks daddy"

He grabbed some pillows and set Ellis on top of them. She started to lay down

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